Empower the Ability in Disability & be a Part of the Success Story of a Special Needs ...

- 5 Septembre 2016

To make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care.”

All of us at some point of time have thought about making a difference, but most often we didn't know how to do it.  But that does not mean we have to write off community involvement completely. Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities brings to you the perfect platform where your compassion meets action. Their unique sponsorship initiative is an incredibly powerful way to transform the life of a child with special needs through your contribution, guaranteeing the sponsored child a bright future full of opportunities. What makes this sponsorship program so unique is that it triggers an opportunity for education, enlightenment and empowerment for the special needs community.

A big part of this sponsorship program, for both corporates and individuals, is the outstanding impact and the significant transformation that takes place in the lives of the special needs students, who otherwise, devoid of any support, would have missed out on a successful future. ...

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