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Chinese wisdom injected into B20 Summit: official

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 2 Septembre 2016

By Zhang Mengxu from People's Daily

Since assuming the rotating chair of the B20, China has made a great deal of efforts to ensure the success of the B20 summit as well as prepare policies for G20 Summit, Yu Ping, Vice Chair and Sherpa of B20 China Host Committee told the People’s Daily on Thursday.

Fiance-driven growth, trade and investment, infrastructure, small and medium-sized enterprises development, employment and anti-corruption will be the major topics of this year’s B20 and G20 summits, Yu said, adding that five taskforces and a forum have been established in accordance with each topic.

As an important platform endowed with the mission to report appeals and suggestions from the international business circle to the G20 members, the B20 hopes its voice can be heard and adopted by the G20 Summit, Yu stressed.

The G20 Summit decisions could in turn create better opportunities for the international business community, the sherpa added.

Yu introduced China’s contributions to the summit, saying that since it assumed the rotating presidency, China has made substantial work in discussion of each taskforce and the final formulation of the B20 report on policy recommendations.

He said that the report, which well represents the will of global business circles, includes 20 major policy recommendations and 76 specific measures. In order to pool more suggestions, China made frequent communications with the international business community including the former B20 representatives and the G20 official departments to collect their opinions.

Sun Xiao, Policy Director of B20 2016 Host Committee, praised the active engagement of the Chinese enterprises in this year’s B20 summit, elaborating that altogether 156 enterprises joined the B20 taskforces, accounting for one third of the total businesses.

He added that five taskforces are also chaired by Chinese entrepreneurs. With their mastery of English, those elites have showed their great communication skills and leadership.

Chinese wisdom was also injected in the report, Sun said, citing the China-proposed G20 SMART innovation initiative and the Electronic World Trade Platform that gain much acknowledgment from the world.

"As world's second largest economy and the largest trader, China’s concerns can well present that of the world,” he said.

Sun also commented on Chinese business circles’ increasing voice in multilateral rule-making and negotiations, saying that the country has turned itself from an audience member to a performer, which also means that the international community has acknowledged China's leadership in the global business and trade arena.

He further said that as the next host of the summit, Germany will establish related taskforces following this year’s summit. China will recommend appropriate enterprises to join the next B20 taskforces and keep implementing the policy outcomes of this summit.

As an effort to ensure the implementation of these policies, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will also introduce the advises of the global business circle to domestic departments and bring Chinese enterprises to international platforms.

“The G20 and B20 should be a long-term process rather than a temporary event,” Sun concluded.

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