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Commentary : Understand the hearts and minds of the international community

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 26 Juillet 2018

There is a resurgence of isolationism and unilateralism in the world today, said the UNESCO chief, saying that the international community should embrace openness and inclusiveness, uphold multilateralism, and advocate dialogue and exchange, all of which are importance parts of global governance.

People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Commentary : Understand the hearts and minds of the international community
On July 16th, Chinese President Xi Jinping respectively met with, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, President of European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, and Jim Yong Kim, President of World Bank, to discuss topics concerning the maintenance of multilateralism.

Both the EU and China are committed to multilateralism, upholding the rule-based international order, handling international relations on the basis of mutual respect, and improving the multilateral trade system through multilateral consultations, EU leaders said.

There is a resurgence of isolationism and unilateralism in the world today, said the UNESCO chief, saying that the international community should embrace openness and inclusiveness, uphold multilateralism, and advocate dialogue and exchange, all of which are importance parts of global governance.

Kim expressed gratitude to China for its long-term great support to the World Bank. Noting that all countries should avoid shutting themselves in and abide by the rules, Kim said that the World Bank appreciates China’s support for multilateralism and economic globalization, as well as for capital increase plan and shareholding reforms at World Bank.

The international community has showed their firm support for multilateralism in the face of trade protectionism.

“People’s hearts are the biggest political power,” President Xi once said. This important viewpoint can be applied to China, and the world.

To understand the heart of the global community is essential. Opposing unilateralism, protectionism, and trade bullying, and maintaining free trade and international rules are the will of the world. A large number of countries and regions, including Canada, Japan, and the European Union, have expressed dissatisfaction with US trade friction. US trade hegemonism may benefit the American economy in the short term, but it will seriously damage the US’s international image, political prestige, and long-term interests in the long term.

Multi-polarization and economic globalization is the trend. Trump’s trade war with China might just be a reality show before the mid-term elections, and the additional tax on Chinese products is likely to lead a bigger trade war, which will further damage the US economy, according to a recent article published by Bloomberg.

International challenges such as terrorism and migrant crises are also on rise. Some people attribute these challenges to economic globalization, but the root cause is the insufficient global growth momentum, lagging global governance, and unbalanced global development. Therefore, creating a dynamic, fair, reasonable, and win-win model is the key to this troublesome time.

Time will eventually prove that the counter-current is just a trickle, and the trend is the ocean.

(People’s Daily Overseas Edition)

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