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‘BRICS Plus’ model worth exploring: Guinean president

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 3 Septembre 2017

China shares the same stance with Africa on the issue of climate change and the country is helping Africa develop renewable energy sources, Conde said, adding that he hopes China will keep up its support to Africa’s development as well as technology advancement of its renewable energy.

By Li Zhiwei from People’s Daily

The BRICS mechanism is an important platform for South-South cooperation and its “BRICS Plus” model is very worth exploring, Guinean President Alpha Conde told People’s Daily before the 9th BRICS Summit is about to kick off in Xiamen.

“The emerging markets and developing countries can learn from the BRICS experience since both sides are similar in development background,” Conde said.

“We expect that through the Xiamen Summit, the BRICS countries could provide the developing nations with specific and feasible plans for development, in finance and other areas. We also think it is crucial to enhance South-South cooperation, especially cooperation with China,” the president continued.

During Conde’s Chinese visit last November, he and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to upgrade bilateral relationship to comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation. They also witnessed the signing of cooperation documents covering finance, infrastructure and mining.

Both Chinese and Guinean public have benefited from bilateral cooperation and their steady and vigorous relations, Conde expressed.

Guinea hopes to reinforce cooperation with China, the president said, adding that over the past years, China has provided financing support to Guinean projects including the Kaleta hydroelectric facility, the Port of Conakry and highway construction.

The two countries have strengthened exchanges and cooperation in culture, education and health care as well, according to Conde.

“China enjoys a time-honored history and splendid culture. The Guinean youth need to learn Chinese and Chinese people can also learn Guinean culture as such exchanges are mutual,” the president noted.

Conde hopes the Xiamen Summit will further encourage the BRICS countries to increase support to African countries in areas of infrastructure, health care and agriculture.

China’s 10 major plans to boost cooperation with Africa totally agree with the future plans of Africa, and the 10 plans covering a wide range of fields will bring real changes to Africa, the president said.

As the rotating chairman of the African Union, Conde said he really appreciates China’s constructive role in pushing for the Paris Agreement.

China shares the same stance with Africa on the issue of climate change and the country is helping Africa develop renewable energy sources, Conde said, adding that he hopes China will keep up its support to Africa’s development as well as technology advancement of its renewable energy.

The win-win cooperation between Africa and China has brought tangible benefits to both sides and their peoples, Conde said.

The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence serve not only as the cornerstone of China’s foreign policy, but also as the foundation of China-Africa cooperation that conforms to the future expectation of the African people, the president pointed out.

The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are: mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.

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