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Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 22 Mars 2016

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- After 22/3 terrorist attack at Brussels the USA should go for out-of-box solution against Islamic terrorism of ISIS etc (ii)- Without MP-1 of ICCPR backed-up by adequate boots on ground nothing will improve (iii)- USA should work on making India its global combat (and not merely strategic) partner (iv)- Economic hardship of India coming in the way of making contribution for global peace (v)- USA should be prepared to move UN to constrain India to recover $ ~ 15 Trillion tax out of black money

--- The USA and its allies had already failed to bring peace in NAME region (especially in Syria) hence when Russia intervened militarily in the end of September 2015 people thought that now peace will return to Syria etc and NAME will be free from not only Islamic terrorism of ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc but also from oppressive regimes like of Assad in Syria etc. But nothing of the sort happened rather this month after Russia militarily has almost left Syria now 22/3 terrorist attack in Brussels, Belgium by ISIS has once again proved that unless mankind changes its global political paradigm nothing will work satisfactorily.

First and foremost global community will have to understand that in this age of globalization (brought about by tremendous advance in science & technology) mankind may not go for one-world-government but there is no escape from at least regulated-global-political-order (RGPO) especially when people in many countries (especially in Muslim majority countries) are simply not competent enough to run their governments orderly & peacefully. For this RGPO the PPI (‘Participatory Philanthropic Institutions’ registered at UN) and IPP (‘International Political Parties’ registered at UN), as I mentioned in my earlier articles, may be launched in second stage of this RGPO but Mandatory Protocol MP-1 instead of Optional Protocol OP-1 of ICCPR at UN (movable by aggrieved citizens of the member country and not merely by member States) will have to introduced without any further delay in the interest of bringing peace and stability all over the world which will also effectively eliminate the menace of Islamic terrorism by ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc.

But such RGPO with MP-1 is easy said than done for the simple reason that countries are increasingly unwilling to put boots on ground for enforcing human rights and bringing political stability in other countries. Presently USA (the leader of free world) has mainly European countries (through NATO) and countries of European origin as its combat partner who with USA go in different parts of the world to fight the battles in the interest of bringing peace and stability and enforcing human rights in such regions. But this much has not served the purpose as is evident from gory situation in NAME, Ukraine, Afghanistan, etc. which is mainly due the reason that there are no UN sanctioned adequate boots on ground in these countries where millions are bleeding and weeping profusely. It is precisely here (adequate boots on ground) that India can be of much help and assistance to USA and to world community in the interest of enforcing human rights as per ICCPR of UN.

Though USA has been carrying out military exercise with India but other countries too do the same hence it is meaningless for the purpose of combat requirement of the leader of free world, the USA. India of ~ 1.25 Billion people (with ~ 250 million Muslims including illegal immigrants) is the largest secular democracy of the world and that too in this part of Asia hence it is the natural ally of USA and should have been the combat partner of USA in making remaining world the human-rights-friendly-free-world (HRFFW). But India could not become so for the simple reason that it thus far has not been in a position to take the risk & dangers of combat (in different parts of the world in tandem with USA etc) which naturally comes to any economically humble country.

But fortunately for USA and for HRFFW not only economic hardship of India can be eliminated but it can provide enough money to India for purchasing military equipments etc which will enable India to become combat partner of USA if government of India (GOI) recovers Rs. ~ 1,000 Trillion tax money out of black money, as generally explained below, in view of the fact that if with $ ~ 4 Trillion reserve China can be so powerful then it does not require a genius of political economy to understand that what India will be with these extra $ ~15 Trillion:-

Though 99.9 % Indians want this tax money to be recovered from ~ one million tax evaders but due to corruption of public servants the GOI is not recovering this $ ~ 15 Trillion Tax money. Hence USA should issue ultimatum to India that in case India does not proceed to recover this $ ~ 15 Trillion in a time bound period of say one year (three months for raising demands for tax and another three months for realizing tax and another three months for initiating recovery proceedings against defaulters in fast track courts to be constituted for this purpose and another three months for recovery through these fast track courts) then it will be left with no other option than to move United Nations to constrain India to recover (for the people of India) this $ ~ 15 Trillion tax out of black money in accordance with ‘UN Convention Against Corruption’.

It is hoped the USA will bring a paradigm shift in its global affairs and will rope-in India as its combat partner, as mentioned above, for the purpose of realizing human-rights-friendly-free-world which in future will effectively rid the mankind of such terrorist attacks as happened latest on 22/3 at Brussels


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India
br /But fortunately for USA and for HRFFW not only economic hardship of India can be eliminated but it can provide enough money to India for purchasing military equipments etc which will enable India to become combat partner of USA if government of India (GOI) recovers Rs. ~ 1,000 Trillion tax money out of black money, as generally explained below, in view of the fact that if with $ ~ 4 Trillion reserve China can be so powerful then it does not require a genius of political economy to understand that what India will be with these extra $ ~15 Trillion:- But fortunately for USA and for HRFFW not only economic hardship of India can be eliminated but it can provide enough money to India for purchasing military equipments etc which will enable India to become combat partner of USA if government of India (GOI) recovers Rs. ~ 1,000 Trillion tax money out of black money, as generally explained below, in view of the fact that if with $ ~ 4 Trillion reserve China can be so powerful then it does not require a genius of political economy to understand that what India will be with these extra $ ~15 Trillion:- First and foremost global community will have to understand that in this age of globalization (brought about by tremendous advance in science

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