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Abdullahs should know Hindu India not prepared to shed its blood for Muslim Kashmir

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 24 Novembre 2017

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- Present communal & (exclusive private) capitalist India is not same as secular & socialist (with predominantly State-capital) India of 1947 (ii)- Abdullahs more than any other Kashmiri under moral obligation to bring succor to Kashmiris (iii)- Kashmiris have suffered immensely hence Abdullahs should be serious about solving their problem (iv)- Without unification of J&K / Kashmir there is no Kashmir solution (v)- Pakistan certainly not militarily capable of taking remaining J&K or Muslim Kashmir (vi)- Hindu India will never accept another dismemberment of motherland by Jihadis (vii)- Despite Pak nukes India capable of retrieving PoK, militarily (viii)- Abdullahs should know Hindu India not prepared to shed its blood for Muslim Kashmir (ix)- Cries emanating from Muslim Kashmir even music to the ears of powerful communal Hindu India (x)- Abdullahs left with only one option namely of offering blood of mainly Indian Muslims for retrieve of PoK, militarily (xi)- For this Abdullahs will have to mobilize rest of India too (xii)- Majority of Indians, suffering under communal & capitalist India, will be glad to come with National Conference (NC) (xiii)- NC should understand ‘the last word on India’s partition is yet to be written’

---- Former Union Cabinet Minister, former Chief Minister of J&K and National Conference president Farooq Abdullah while addressing a party function has reportedly said ‘India cannot take back Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), so PoK belongs to Pakistan and rest of J&K belongs to India’. Farooq also said that ‘Pakistan is not weak and is having nukes and is not wearing bangles to allow India to take PoK’. A day after Farooq Abdullah's said remarks on PoK (which has created huge controversy in India), his son former Union Minister of State and former Chief Minister of J&K, Omar Abdullah on November, 16 reportedly said “I don't understand ‘if we try’ rather the Centre should prove his father wrong with ‘actions’ by taking back PoK”.

India was partitioned in 1947 on religious lines. Though Britishers made it legally valid if any ruler of princely State opted for either India or Pakistan but Muslim ruler of Hyderabad was not allowed by India to go to Pakistan by giving the reason that Hyderabad is Hindu majority State. Whereas India allowed accession to India by Hindu ruler of Muslim majority J&K. Everyone in India and Pakistan knows that if the PM Nehru did so then it was only due to one reason that India was prepared to carry-out plebiscite in J&K for accession to India [hence India agreed to 1948 UN resolution (though not implemented) for plebiscite]. India’s confidence in support of Muslims of J&K for secular and socialist India (as opposed to theocratic and medieval Pakistan) was mainly due to support of the tallest leader of J&K, Sheikh Abdullah (Farooq’s father). Hence if today the State of J&K is with India then it is mainly due to Sheikh Abdullah and his party colleagues and friends. During last three decades Kashmiris have suffered immensely hence Abdullahs should be serious about solving their problem because Farooq and Omer Abdullah than any other Kashmiri (for the reasons as mentioned) are under moral obligation to bring succor to profusely bleeding and weeping Muslim Kashmiris.

Abdullahs can try any Kashmir solution when they first understand that :- (A)- The present communal & (exclusive private) capitalist India is not same as secular & socialist (with predominantly State-capital) India of 1947 (B)- Without unification of J&K / Kashmir there is no Kashmir solution (C)- Pakistan is certainly not militarily capable of taking remaining J&K or Muslim Kashmir (D)- Hindu India will never accept another dismemberment of motherland by Jihadis especially in this age of ‘global war against radical Islamist terrorism’(E)- Despite Pak nukes India is capable of retrieving PoK, militarily as on October 5, 2017 has been said publicly by Chief of Indian Air Force too (F)- Hindu India is not prepared to shed its blood for Muslim Kashmir (G)- Due to immense atrocities by Muslim invaders and rulers against Hindus for about 1,000 years the cries emanating from Muslim Kashmir are even music to the ears of powerful communal Hindu India (H)- Abdullahs are left with only one option namely of offering blood of mainly Indian Muslims (others will also join eventually) for retrieve of PoK, militarily (I)- Abdullahs should understand ‘the last word on India’s partition is yet to be written’

For this Abdullahs will have to mobilize rest of India too which will be easier if NC gives voting rights to ordinary members in addition to active members (which may be 2 or 3 times than voting rights to ordinary members in organizational elections all across India). Abdullahs in addition to socialism (joint-capitalism, through both private and State-capitalism) should also incorporate Federalism in the constitution of NC where only martial matters (like defense, external affairs, currency, national transport, communication etc) should be with Union and all civilian subjects (including natural resources) should be with States. National Conference should realize that the majority of Indians, who are suffering under communal & capitalist India (where huge un-employment / under-employment is there and half of India’s population, the farmers are starving and above 12,000 farmers are committing suicide every year), will be glad to come with National Conference and for this National Conference should file following writ petitions in Supreme Court of India (SCI) about:-

(1)- Legally expected restoration of Status-quo-ante of Babri Masjid which was demolished in 1992 in the presence of Observer of Supreme Court
(2)- Query about retrieve of POK (including militarily if necessary) in the interest of removal of AFSPA, SPA etc from J&K (through writ first in J&K high Court and then in SCI, if needed)
(3)- Prosecution against guilty found by Sri Krishna Commission about 1992-93 communal riots in Mumbai / Maharashtra (while rightly asking for deportation / action against Dawood Ibrahim etc, the guilty of serial blasts which were direct fallout of said riots)
(4)- Identification, tracking and deportation of illegal immigrants, mainly from Bangladesh
(5)- Quashing of discriminatory (especially against Muslims) Reservation Policy
(6)- Delhi 1984 & Gujarat 2002 riots regarding responsibility of military in stopping riots under section 130 & 131 Cr.P.C.
(7)- Constitutional obligation regarding public debt under Article 292 & 293 and not under FRBM which is unconstitutionally promoting unbridled usury (interest earning), an anathema in Islam
(8)- For recovery of State-capital of Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion tax out of black money (as mentioned at and ) which, when recovered, will solve most of the problems being faced by India especially arising due to economic hardship

It is hoped that Farooq Abdullah (and Omer Abdullah & NC) will bring succor to profusely bleeding and weeping Kashmiris by restoring (as mentioned above) the Secularism and Socialism in India for which his father Sheikh Abdullah and his party colleagues and friends (from Muslim majority J&K) staked their life, liberty and reputation in post-independence Hindu majority India.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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