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China, Indonesia to forge exemplary model of major developing countries seeking mutual benefit, win-win results

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 1 Août 2022

Changes in the world are unfolding in ways like never before, and major developing countries play an indispensable role in promoting global governance. This year, China and Indonesia are at the presidency of the BRICS and the G20, respectively, taking global governance to "Asia's time."

By He Yin, People's Daily

The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway in Indonesia is the first overseas high-speed railway system using Chinese standards, technologies and equipment. It is a landmark project of China-Indonesia cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. (Photo courtesy of China Railway Design Corporation)
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway in Indonesia is the first overseas high-speed railway system using Chinese standards, technologies and equipment. It is a landmark project of China-Indonesia cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. (Photo courtesy of China Railway Design Corporation)
Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Beijing on July 26. The two presidents had a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views and reached a series of important common understandings on China-Indonesia relations and on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

They decided on the overall direction of jointly building a China-Indonesia community with a shared future. The two sides issued a Joint Press Statement on the Bilateral Meeting between President of the People's Republic of China and President of the Republic of Indonesia. They also signed an MOU on jointly promoting cooperation between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative and the Global Maritime Fulcrum. It highlighted the irreplaceable strategic guidance role of the head-of-state diplomacy in the development of bilateral relations.

Widodo is the first foreign head of state China receives after the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, and China is the first stop of his visit to East Asia this time, which fully demonstrates the high importance attached by the two sides to the development of China-Indonesia relations.

China-Indonesia relationship has enjoyed robust growth under the joint guidance of the two presidents in recent years, demonstrating strong resilience and vitality.

During the visit, the two presidents decided on the overall direction of building a China-Indonesia community with a shared future, to set an example of mutual benefit and win-win results among major developing countries, a model of common development and a pioneer in South-South cooperation.

It conforms to the common aspiration and expectation of the Chinese and Indonesian peoples, and will improve the strategic significance and global influence of China-Indonesia ties.

Under the guidance of jointly building a community with a shared future, the two sides will continue to deepen the new synergy of bilateral relations through the four-pillar cooperation covering politics, economy, people-to-people exchanges and maritime projects, which will make new and greater contributions to the development of China-Indonesia ties.

China and Indonesia are at similar development stages, have entwined interests, follow similar philosophies and development paths, and share a closely connected future.

It was here in Indonesia in 2013 that the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative was first proposed by Xi during his state visit to Indonesia. Indonesia supports and is committed to the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Security Initiative (GSI) put forward by Xi. China and Indonesia enjoy unique advantages in deepening practical cooperation in various fields.

During the visit, the two presidents expressed the hope to further deepen high-quality Belt and Road cooperation for more fruitful outcomes. They agreed to build flagship projects to implement the GDI at bilateral and regional levels and signed a series of cooperation documents.

China and Indonesia are focusing on development and cooperation as global economic recovery is encumbered and the GDI faces severe challenges. They are striving for completing the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway on schedule with high standards and ensuring good implementation of such major cooperation projects as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor and the "Two Countries, Twin Parks."

The two countries, pursuing closer public health cooperation, the continuous expansion of trade and investment, and in-depth integration of industrial and supply chains, will foster new drivers and areas of growth for China-Indonesia practical cooperation, and contribute more positive energy to global recovery.

A sound China-Indonesia relationship not only serves the shared long-term interests of the two countries, but also has positive, far-reaching impacts on the region and the entire world.

Nine years ago, Xi delivered a speech and for the first time proposed to build a China-ASEAN community with a shared future, charting the course for safeguarding regional peace and stability, as well as development and prosperity.

Indonesia is the largest economy of ASEAN and will be the ASEAN rotating chair next year. Facing complicated regional and international situations, China and Indonesia should implement consensus reached on China-ASEAN Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations, uphold open regionalism, advance China-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace, Security, Prosperity, Sustainable Development and Amity, and jointly safeguard the regional cooperation framework with ASEAN at its core, to further unleash new dynamism of the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership and constantly improve the well-being of regional people.

Changes in the world are unfolding in ways like never before, and major developing countries play an indispensable role in promoting global governance. This year, China and Indonesia are at the presidency of the BRICS and the G20, respectively, taking global governance to "Asia's time."

Xi said when meeting Widodo that China fully supports Indonesia in hosting the G20 Bali Summit and will increase coordination and cooperation with Indonesia for a full success of the Summit.

Widodo said Indonesia will work with China to keep deepening their comprehensive strategic partnership and make still greater contribution to regional peace and global development.

China and Indonesia need to stand together in solidarity, fulfill the responsibilities of major developing countries, follow true multilateralism, and ensure both development and security, to contribute Oriental wisdom and Asia's input to the development of global governance.

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