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English News

China integrates deeper into world

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 27 Septembre 2016

This year’s G20 Summit has again imprinted a “Chinese mark” on global governance. Restarting from Hangzhou with a partnership spirit of getting through thick and thin for win-win cooperation, a responsible China and its people with a global vision will better embrace the whole world.

By Guan Hang from People’s Daily

The just-concluded G20 Hangzhou Summit has brought its host city Hangzhou onto the world stage. The city, once an important juncture along the ancient “Maritime Silk Road” has now grown into a strategic hub in the global e-commerce industry.

But as a matter of fact, the city’s story reveals the long journey of how contemporary China has integrated itself deeper into and opened itself wider to the world.

The lengthy course was started in 1971 when our African brothers “carried China into the UN” at the demand of all developing countries for their greater global influence. In 2001, China gained WTO membership as the world’s most populous country, and 15 years later, it took over the baton to host the G20 Summit.

Thanks to these efforts in embracing the world, China has become more “internationalized” and garnered more global influence.

At present, many Chinese citizens have even brought the world to their doorstep by pursuing further studies, working or traveling in other parts of the world.

China’s deeper engagement with the globalization process has also imperceptibly changed the way Chinese people view the world as well as the way they treat the international community.

For instance, in today’s China, media outlets specializing in coverage of world news like Cankaoxiaoxi and the Global Times have millions of readers.

Researchers have found that the Chinese people now not only adopt a more practical attitude toward international affairs, but also think more about the world’s future. The successful G20 Summit held not long ago, for example, was a particular focus of public attention.

What’s worth mentioning is that during the Hangzhou Summit, the top-level design for all discussed topics, including trade, tourism and security, has a direct link to the practical demands of the general pubic.

Reaching a consensus on agendas like exported and imported products, medical and health care products as well as outbound travel, the G20 can generate a “Butterfly Effect” and as a result release many dividends that benefit the people worldwide.

This year’s G20 Summit has again imprinted a “Chinese mark” on global governance. Restarting from Hangzhou with a partnership spirit of getting through thick and thin for win-win cooperation, a responsible China and its people with a global vision will better embrace the whole world.

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