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If prepared to forget PoJK, India can solve Kashmir problem by transforming Kashmir demography by abolishing Article 370

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 23 Octobre 2016

Bengaluru, India

---- Former Chief Minister of J&K Omar Abdullah is horribly wrong when he reportedly said at a conference titled 'India and Pakistan: A Sub-continental Affair' organized by the students of New York University in USA that – “[He does not see an imminent war looming between India and Pakistan despite the heightened tensions along the LoC and believes the two countries are a ‘lot more careful’ about the prospect of war than some of the news channels would like them to be]”.

Omar does not understand the jingoist mood in India which has been generated by PM Modi after surgical strike on Pakistan on September, 29. As per media report even General Officer Commanding of Army's 15 Corps, Lt General Satish Dua said that despite surgical strike militancy is not waning in Kashmir. Hence given the incessant Pak sponsored militancy only one more inevitable attack (of the type and scale of Uri attack by Muslim Pakistan) is enough to trigger a war between India and Pakistan (because another surgical strike in such case will not be acceptable to the already emotionally aroused people of Hindu majority India).

PM Modi (who’s political career hugely depends on the outcome of U.P State elections in early 2017) cannot afford to take the risk of disappointing Indians who are waiting to see Indo-Pak war in order to humiliate and humble Pakistan. Though it is a different matter that India will face humiliating defeat in such Indo-Pak war because nuclear China has said (through its counselor in Lahore) that it will intervene in case of any aggression by nuclear India against nuclear Pakistan (this China support to Pak is natural given the activities of India to sabotage CPEC including by unnecessarily meddling in Baluchistan). With China & Pakistan combine what will the result of war (and what will be fate of about half million security forces and their families which will be trapped in J&K from three sides by China and Pakistan with road access cut-off from fourth side) is any body’s guess.

Therefore India should come on the ground and should try to achieve Kashmir solution without any further delay. For this India should listen to Omar what he said at New York that – “ [On whether the Line of Control should become the de-facto border, Abdullah said ‘logically’ that would make the most sense. If you step away from the jingoism, logic would dictate that that is the only solution]”.

India (through its constitution) has been saying for the last 70 years that entire J&K (including PoJK) is an integral part of India (even unanimous resolution of Indian Parliament said so). But India never tried to retrieve PoJK for the simple reason that (unlike Hindu Goa) it is Muslim majority area. The fact of the matter is that Hindus simply don’t want to live in or keep any area where Muslims are in majority. Even as per Azad, the Muslim face in pre – 1947 Congress, Gandhi agreed for partition of India in 1947 on the advice of Patel that it will be easier to rule Hindu India than Hindu –Muslim India.

In 2013 when I went to Kashmir to assist a NGO in finding Kashmir solution ( I found that Muslims of J&K do not want India to retrieve PoJK militarily because the Muslims of J&K do not support the idea of Hindu India waging war against Muslim Pakistan for the retrieve of PoJK. On the other hand Hindus of J&K do not want Hindu majority India to shed its blood for Muslim PoJK (the talk of Kashmir solution through dialogue is absurd and a myth. Because Islam which, as per media, has laid down the lives of ~ one hundred thousand Jihadis for Kashmir will simply not allow theocratic Islamic Pakistan to hand over Muslim PoJK to Hindu India on table)

Every secular Indian has been advocating the retrieve PoJK by India so that entire J&K (the only Muslim majority State) can remain with India which will make India a truly secular State. But now with the foolishness of India, China has been offended deeply by India (about CPEC) and India faces every likelihood of humiliating defeat in inevitable Indo-Pak war (with the intervention of China on the side of Pakistan).

Therefore in order to avoid such catastrophe (including nuclear) Hindu India should forget Muslim PoJK and should transform the demography of Muslim Kashmir by abolishing article 370 of the constitution and then by sending few million Hindus from other States in Kashmir by opening labor intensive Union Government factories all across Kashmir (in all the districts of Kashmir). With a Muslim Kashmiri population of over 6 million ~ 3 million Hindus will be enough in Kashmir (in such demographically changed Kashmir ~ half million security forces already in Kashmir will also be crucially useful in bringing normalcy in Kashmir even without AFSPA, SPA etc because sections 129, 130, 131 of CrPC are enough).

Moreover India should not stop Muslims of J&K if they want to go to PoJK peacefully as this will further help in transforming the demography of J&K in favor of Hindus.

It is hoped PM Modi (in coming session of Parliament or) will immediately call special session of Parliament for repealing Article 370 in order to solve Kashmir problem, as mentioned above, so that Kashmiri Muslims (who are suffering immensely due to 106 days of unrest by Bandhs / curfew and in agitation where over 90 killed, over 10,000 injured, over 250 eyes injured) can find succor through said political resolution of Kashmir problem (which Omar also rightly says that Kashmir problem is political). Including by allowing Muslims of J&K to peacefully get safe place (of their liking) in Muslim PoJK / Pakistan. Of-course it goes without saying that all these measure will succeed only when India stops offending China (which it is unnecessarily doing by way of sabotaging CPEC).


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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