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English News

Inauguration of COP22 Dar Media in the Green Zone

- 9 Novembre 2016

The opening day of COP22 also witnessed the inauguration of Dar Media “Media House, “ an open space in the conference Green Zone designed by and managed through the COP22 steering committee communications team and dedicated to engaging with Moroccan and international media.

The goal of Dar Media is to ease the interaction between the press and conference participants.  The 250m2 space is made up of an interview corner, partner kiosk, Medi1Radio and Atlantic Radio studios and a press conference room (40 person capacity).

During the High-Level week from November 14 to 18 the Dar Media space will be co-organized by Pvblic Foundation through the installation and management of a Digital Media Zone that seeks to animate discussion and debate around the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular the one dedicated to the fight against climate change (#13).

Pvblic Foundation is a non-profit organization that uses the power of media to foster social change. Functioning much like a media aggregator using multiple platforms, Pvblic Foundation works strategically to drive climate change actors from civil society and the public sector to the media space.  The organization uses existing and emerging communications technologies to raise awareness around important issues like climate change and to amplify their message.

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