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Indian Muslims should take lead to solve problem by launching non-violent march of 1 million to Jerusalem

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 7 Décembre 2017

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- Indian Muslims should take the lead to solve (by One-State-Solution) the problem of Palestine / Muslim-World by launching non-violent march of about 1 million to Jerusalem

---Instead of solving Israel-Palestine problem by One-State-Solution as mentioned at US President Trump has created a global problem especially for the Muslims all over the World by declaring that USA wants Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel and USA will shift its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

This has not only angered entire Muslim World but has also invited criticism from many countries of the World and UN. Many Muslim countries have also warned that its implications will be very serious. This issue may also cause terrorist attacks by militant-Jihadis all over the World on some of the installations / assets of USA and Israel. But this will not solve the problem. Military solution of this problem is also ruled-out in view of the backing of USA to Israel in every respect. Moreover Islam does not believe in unnecessary war or aggression (especially when peaceful solutions are there) as is evident from Quran Sharif 2.190 – ‘Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors’.

Hence Muslims should try non-violent solution to this problem by launching a non-violent march of about one million people (Sunnis & Shias) to Jerusalem in the interest of One-State-Solution. Every year about 2.35 million Sunni Muslims from all over the World go to Mecca, Medina during Haj etc. Shias also from all over the World go for pilgrim to Iran, Iraq etc. Hence it should not be difficult for Muslims (Sunnis & Shias) to mobilize ~ One million people for said non-violent march which can enter from Western Bank into Jerusalem (or from any other suitable place) by peacefully crossing the border and by offering no-violent arrest. Other people from rest of the World (other than Muslims) who believe in justice to Palestinians will also join the said non-violent march to Jerusalem.

It is hoped that Indian Muslims will take the lead and will organize a meeting / seminar in India in which people from all over the World especially Muslims (Sunnis & Shias), who believe in justice to Palestinians, will attend this meeting / seminar in order to formulate the details of the said non-violent march of ~ 1 million to Jerusalem.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India.

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