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Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 9 Mai 2016

Bengaluru, India

Wisner & US Congressmen recommending APEC, living in some other world about India

Dear Editor

Sub:- Without taking $ ~ 15 Trillion to-be-recovered tax money in reckoning, any foreign policy of USA (leader of free world) for India is merely a farce.

--- This refers to interview of former US ambassador to India, Frank G Wisner to ‘The Times of India’ published on May 9, 2016 in which in addition to other matters Wisner strongly recommended for India to join Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). This in view of the fact that some US Congressmen (Matt Salmon, Ami Bera, Ed Royce, Eliot Engel, Brad Sherman, George Holding, Derek Kilmer, Dana Rohrabacher, Scott Des Jarlais) have introduced a legislation last fortnight, asking the Obama administration to help India join the APEC forum.
How much Wisner is severed from reality is evident from his argument that –“[It’s about finding a balance. If there is a scale and you have a heavy weight at one end, you need a heavy weight at other end – so if India, the US, Japan, the Philippines, etc are all in that balance then there’ll be less reason for any power, China included, to upset the balance]”

What can be a more pertinent example of not only USA severed from reality about India but also legally / morally degenerate and farcical policy of USA towards India? Where USA is still trying to use India as counter balance to China but USA (as leader of free world despite UN Convention against corruption and black money) is doing nothing to constrain government of India (GOI) to recover Rs. ~ 1,000 Trillion Income Tax out of black money from tax evaders as explained at :-

The USA should understand that with this $ ~ 15 Trillion tax money India will be so powerful (economically) that on the scale (which Wisner is referring to) India on one side cannot be balanced by China, the US, Japan, the Philippines etc all put together on other side. Hence Wisner and said Congressmen in particular and the USA in general should stop envisaging / continuing US foreign policy towards India considering India to be eternally economically-humble country.

The USA as leader of free world and as a special permanent member of UN (having UN head-office on US soil), is morally and legally responsible under UN Convention against corruption, to ensure that GOI recovers said $ ~ 15 Trillion tax money.

Otherwise USA should not be considered as friend of India and whatever is talked about India by Wisner and said Congressmen in particular and the USA in general is nothing more than a farce played by USA on ~ 1.3 Billion people of India [who are facing myriad easily-avoidable (through this $ ~ 15 Trillion tax money) problems due to present economic hardship].

[It is charitably hoped that USA is not doing anything to constrain GOI to recover $ ~ 15 Trillion tax money not because USA is envious of India becoming economically most powerful country of the World]


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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