English News

The Two Climate Champions launch the Global Action Agenda

- 9 Novembre 2016

Marrakech, November 8th, 2016 - Launched in 2014, on the occasion of COP20 in Lima and entrusted to Hakima El Haité and Laurence Tubiana, the climate champions for Morocco and France, respectively, the Global Action Agenda was officially launched on the 8th November, the second day of the 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Global Action Agenda allows for further actions from the states to give roles to the official non-governmental players (civil society organisations, private companies, cities, regions and investors) and their initiatives.

During the COP22, the Global Action Agenda is putting together a programme of 9 theme days: forests, water, industry and business, resilience in cities, buildings, energy, transport, oceans and agriculture.

More than 20 sectorial conferences are also scheduled with more than 150 high-level speakers. Everyday there is a showcase and debate on a specific theme, to show concrete initiatives already launched by the non-governmental sector, to identify challenges and solutions, and to formulate political recommendations to raise the level of ambition in each sector.

The non-governmental parties are involved in more than 12 500 initiatives.

The 17th November, the two champions are organising for the first time a High Level event on Climate Change.  On this occasion, Laurence Tubiana and Hakima El Haité will present their recommendations for their role.

"We need everybody. No government, no city, can act alone. Our message today is as follows: we have to act now. We can't wait until 2020", declared Laurence Tubiana at the launch of The Global Action Agenda. From his side, the champion Hakima El Haité celebrated "the extraordinary mobilisation of civil society" within the framework of the Agenda.

On the platform, Non-State Actors Zone Climate Action (NAZCA), more than 12 500 actions have been registered, with more than 2500 from cities and a little over 2 100 on the part of companies.

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