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UN-REDD Programme launches upgraded website to reflect 2016-2020 strategic framework and post-Paris Climate Agreement environment

- 30 Juin 2016

(Geneva, 28 June 2016) -- Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is acknowledged in the recent Paris Climate Agreement as a significant tool in mitigating climate change. In response, the UN-REDD Programme has this month launched its upgraded website,,  to provide the global community with access to key news and information from the Programme and its 64 official Partner Countries.

The UN-REDD Programme is a major player in the field of REDD+, harnessing the technical expertise and convening strengths of its three UN partners -- the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Established in 2008 with support from the Government of Norway, the Programme has achieved significant results in supporting developing countries to advance their REDD+ related activities. This has included the establishment of REDD+ national strategies, advances on safeguards, development of the technical skills necessary to accurately and adequately monitor and report emissions reductions, and the inclusion of indigenous peoples and local communities in REDD+ decision-making.

The Programme's website has now been upgraded to become a gateway to the 2016-2020 vision, goals and work of the Programme, and to the wealth of expert knowledge available through the Programme. This includes knowledge from both the Programme's technical experts and the growing body of country-based expertise. 

Users of the site will be able to easily navigate the new clean design and editorial content -- and quickly access information that is relevant to their needs. Users wishing to dive deeper into a technical area of interest, are now able to easily link to technical content housed in the UN-REDD Programme Online Collaborative Workspace ( -- or to connect directly with a REDD+ expert. 

To experience the new site, please visit 

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