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Yemen accuses UK of arming Saudis. More persecution of Bahrainis

Alwihda Info | Par Bahrain Freedom Movement - 25 Décembre 2016

The Saudi illegal war on Yemen is has continued to irritate the international community and embarrass the allies of the Saudis. Last week the US indicated that it was �reducing military aid� to Saudi Arabia as the civilians became the main target of the military campaign. Human rights bodies have criticised both USA and UK for supplying arms to the Saudis enabling them to pursue their aggression. It is known that both countries are supplying Riyadh with guided bombs and missiles, intelligence and specification of the targets and experts to operate the control and command centres. Those NGOs have repeatedly warned that those allies would be implicated in the war crimes that have been committed by the Saudis at large scale. But the Americans have continued to help refuel the Saudi aircrafts carrying out daily raids mostly on civilian targets. Neither Washington nor London has indicated it would be stop the support they offer the Saudis.
Yemen�s Prime Minister, Abdul Aziz AlHabtour said: They know that the Saudis are dropping them on civilians in Sanaa and Sa�da. He said that �UK is more interested in making money; not protecting human rights.� This is serious. It means that war crimes tribunals could be established by the UN Security Council at which Americans, British and Saudis could easily be charged with those most serious offences.
The annual Martyrs Day commemorations were held by the people on 16th and 17th December in their customary styles of protests, rallies, meetings and visits to the graves of the victims of Alkhalifa terror. Fathers of the martyrs led many of those protests which were held in most Bahraini towns; Sitra, Nuwaidrate, Ma�amir, Duraz, Maqsha�, Bani Jamra, AlMarkh, Karrana, Barbar, Sanabis, Daih, Musalla, Sehla, Shahrakkan, Karzakkn, Buri, Saar, Abu Saiba�, Malikiyah, Nabih Saleh and Bilad Al Qadeem. The protests dealt severe blows to the regime that had, one week earlier attempted to convey to the world a false picture of the situation. Alkhalifa troops were furious and were told to exact revenge on the people for the failure of the GCC summit less than two weeks ago.� The meeting of the leaders of the six GCC states in the presence of Prime Minister, Teresa May, failed to agree on the Saudi-initiated proposal to form the �Gulf Union�. Many of the journalists who accompanied Mrs May said they were surprised by the extent of the public discontent, the viciousness of the regime and the versatility of the Bahrain people. They were amused to see that the Bahrainis have maintained the spirit of the Arab Spring despite the cruelty of the counter-revolution forces led by the Saudis.
In the week 12-18th December the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights documented at least 22 arbitrary arrests including five children. None of them has been released. There were 59 protests and demonstrations in 26 town and villages. Several of them were mercilessly attacked by the foreign-staffed riot police and masked men. Eight native Bahrainis were sentenced to a total of 67 years for their anti-regime peaceful activities.� Despite international calls for the release of Nabil Rajab, the regime insists on persecuting him for his peaceful human rights work. Last week he appeared at Alkhalifa court and his case was postponed until 28th December for the fifth time. Amnesty International and over 50 other NGOs have signed a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on behalf� human rights defender Nabeel Rajab, to urge his office to urgently and publicly call on the Government of Bahrain to immediately and unconditionally release him and drop the charges against him. The case of the disappeared native Bahraini, Sayed Alawi Sayed Hussain Al Durazi is still causing great concern and fear for his life, having been subjected to most horrific torture over the past two months. Last week he �called� his wife and said three words only in very week voice: I am well, before the call was abruptly and suspiciously cut.� A statement by �Bahrain Scholars� was issued last week calling on the regime to end his ordeal.� The statement said that the abduction of Mr Alawi confirms the barbarity of the Alkhalifa tribal rule.
Fears are growing for the safety of hundreds of inmates at the notorious Jaw Prison. Last week they started hunger strike to protest the inhumane conditions at the torture chambers and the continuous attacks on their beliefs. The inmates at Block No 4 were prevented from holding their mass prayers or reciting religious texts. For one week now there have been no communications with those on strike. Nothing is known of their welfare and fears are growing that they are undergoing similar treatment to that inflicted on them in March 2015 when many received severe wounds at the hands of the Jordanian officers. Mohammad Al Khabbaz who was condemned to death by the tribal dictatorship has been denied the pleasure of his son, Abbas despite his severe illness that led to his death few days ago. His family was prevented from taking the child for treatment abroad and was poorly-treated at the militarised Salmaniya Hospital.
Bahrain Freedom Movement

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