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ATAF engages African media on tax reporting

Alwihda Info | Par Info Alwihda - 13 Mars 2018

ATAF engages African media on tax reporting
The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) is holding its first media engagement and training event from 26 – 28 March 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

When the leaking of financial documents from the Panama Papers in 2016 and the Paradise Papers in 2017 hit the news, editors and journalists were scrambling to help their readers understand how these billions found their way to tax havens involving powerful political and business interests around the world.

Illicit financial flows, base-erosion and profit-shifting and transfer pricing are just some of the areas in taxation that are at the heart of ATAF’s engagement with the revenue authorities of its member countries, now grown to 38 African nations.

For this workshop, the business media will be taken through tax developments at the regional and global level and its impact on the African continent. The event will look at how Africa is addressing priority tax issues at the local and international scene. Participants will have an opportunity to share their thoughts on tax matters with ATAF tax experts to enrich their understanding and the integrity of their reporting.

The training will focus on pertinent tax issues facing the African continent as a result of global changes as well as the impact these have on local taxation. Throughout the training, experts will guide participants on issues such as the outcomes and implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project, the Inclusive Framework and explore opportunities for African countries in mobilising domestic resources through innovative taxes, fraud prevention and education campaigns.

Over the past nine years ATAF, as the thought leader in the field of Taxation in Africa, has been at the helm of countless initiatives aimed at reshaping the continental thinking around tax policies, tax legislations and domestic taxes. It has contributed and continues to contribute immensely to the international tax standard-setting process, in order to ensure adequate integration of African interests. ATAF hopes to make this gathering a recurring occurrence in order to offer to the media a reliable source of expertise and technical knowledge on taxation.

Over the last few weeks, ATAF has been inundated with financial editors and journalists applying to secure their spots for this critical workshop which, judging by the level of enthusiasm it has generated in the media space, is tipped to become a resounding success.

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