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After 5 months shutdown fiasco, Kashmiri youth should come forward to solve Kashmir problem

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 29 Décembre 2016

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- (i)- Without bringing Government of India (and through it the military of India) under control, Kashmiris can’t solve the martial problem of Kashmir (ii)- ‘United India Student Federation’ (UISF) will be the key (iii)- After illegal and criminal demonetization situation ripe in India for successful launch of ‘United India Party’ and its student wing UISF.

------ The way the Resistance-Trio the Separatists Geelani-Mirwaiz-Malik carried out more than five months of shut down in Kashmir with the support of various associations of trade and other professions (after Hizbul Commander Burhan Wani was killed on July, 8) and the way these Separatists got the immense support of Kashmiri people (due to huge killing, injuries and eyes-injury by pellet guns) it will be a monumental tragedy for Kashmiris if the utter failure of this shutdown (in solving Kashmir problem) is not reversed by Kashmiris.

Kashmiris must have realized by this time that the present hollow talks (by Resistance-Trio the Separatists Geelani-Mirwaiz-Malik and various associations of trade and other professions which supported this infertile shutdown of more than 5 months) are nothing but a routine and meaningless exercise in order to keep the moral high of the Kashmiris without realizing that this time Kashmiris have become wiser and will not be assuaged by meaningless rhetoric.

It is as clear as day light that the present leadership in Kashmir (who carried out this more than five months of shutdown) is simply clueless as to what is to be done to solve the Kashmir problem. Leadership of other parties whether in power (like PDP etc) or in opposition (like NC etc) are merely interested in forming government in J&K in order to take care of day-to-day civilian matter of J&K whereas Kashmir problem (which is martial in nature) is not their subject matter as is evident from their periodic & routine utterances (merely as a formality) about need of dialogue with all the stake-holders for which too, they hardly do anything worth the name to start such dialogue.

Therefore it is high time Kashmiris understand that the only solution to Kashmir problem is through ‘United India Party’ as mentioned at

Because elder Kashmiris are presently shell-shocked (especially after said failed shutdown of more than 5 months) the youth of Kashmir should come forward to solve the Kashmir problem. For this the students of Universities and Colleges in Kashmir should launch national level student union, may be with the title ‘United India Student Federation’ (UISF). In second stage UISF may be expanded in rest of J&K and in rest of India.

Once UISF is launched in Kashmir then it will pave the way for thousands of Kashmiris to become Founder and Ordinary Members of ‘All India Party’ which (Party) also will be then easily expanded in rest of J&K and in rest of India.

Here it hardly needs any mention that after illegal and criminal on-going demonetization by BJP government [which has killed over 100 and has harassed and tortured ~ 99 % of 1.3 Billion innocent Indians especially from economically humble background without any protection from other existing political parties despite Article 21, 14, 19 (1) (g), 300 A,78, 56 (1) (b), 124 (4) of the Constitution, Section 26 (2) of the RBI Act and section 304 A, 34, 120 B of IPC] the situation is ripe in India for successful launch of ‘United India Party’ and its student wing ‘United India Student Federation’.

If students of Universities and Colleges in Kashmir think that it will be better then I am prepared to come to Kashmir for discussing the details of launching this UISF in various Universities and Colleges in Kashmir.

In the interest of solving gory and chronic Kashmir problem, it is hoped that the Resistance-Trio the Separatists Geelani-Mirwaiz-Malik and various associations of trade and other professions which supported this infertile shutdown of more than months, will not fall into false ego and instead will encourage the students of Universities and Colleges in Kashmir to join UISF.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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