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Egypt files an official complaint to UNESCO over election’s violations

- 13 Octobre 2017

Egypt Today

By: Yousef Ayoub Fri, Oct. 13, 2017 PARIS – 13 October 2017: Egypt has submitted an official complaint to UNESCO’s director general Irina Bakova, requesting verification of several violations occurred during the ongoing elections to select the UN cultural organization's head. Egypt’s foreign ministry’s spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid revealed that Egypt’s mission at the UNESCO submitted the complaint. Abu Zeid manifested that Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry had met with Irina Bakova Friday morning to express Egypt’s gratitiude for her efforts during her two four-year term. “Shoukry told Bavoka about violations that the Egyptian mission could observe during the four rounds of the elections that kicked off on Monday,” Abu Zeid added.

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