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Farooq Gb should know only solution to Baloch-Sindh-Pashtun-Kashmir problem is FSDU-Indo-Pak, under military pressure

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 30 Mai 2018

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- (i)- Forooq Ganderbali (Farooq Gb) has potential & competence to help in realizing ‘Federal Secular Democratic Unified India-Pakistan’ (FSDU-Indo-Pak) which is the only solution to the problems being faced by Baloch-Sindh-Pashtun-Kashmir (ii)- Farooq Gb should immediately launch national political party based on Federalism, Secularism, socialism, Democracy, Globalization and rule-of-law (iii)- Farooq Gb should launch print & electronic media in Kashmir (may be through PCP).

--- This refers to an article ‘Pashtun anger is on rising’ in Pakistan Christian Post (PCP) in which Farooq Ganderbali (Farooq Gb.) has expressed concerns about problems being faced by Baloch-Sindh-Pashtun in Pakistan as mentioned at . Anybody who knows Farooq Gb (having his office at Srinagar) personally [and has enjoyed his excellent hospitality at his village Ganderbal in Kashmir where Kshir Bhavani temple at Tula-Mula for Hindus (especially Kashmiri Pandits) is there due to which Farooq Gb (due to his inclusive nature) is equally liked by Hindus and Muslims of Kashmir] knows that Farooq Gb has potential & competence and human-rights-friendly nature to help in realizing ‘Federal Secular Democratic Unified India-Pakistan’ (FSDU-Indo-Pak) which is the only solution to the problems being faced by Baloch-Sindh-Pashtun-Kashmir and for this Farooq Gb. Should do the following:-

(1)- It should be realized that India was partitioned in 1947 on communal lines because:-
(i)- Indians did not raise guns for independence hence there was no martial power in India with the result communal forces raised their heads and partitioned India. Therefore only under military power Indo-Pak will again be unified. [Nukes with Pak is no problem as Air Chief of India has said that India has capacity and capability to de-nuke Pakistan. Here India will have to be careful that military pressure is to be applied only for unification of Indo-Pak (in a manner that human rights are not violated by Indian military in Pakistan) which will maintain goodwill of Pakistanis for India]
(ii)- Jinnah / Muslim League wanted genuine federalism under Cabinet Mission Plan of Group A,B,C but Congress did not agree to it and partition happened. Hence now if genuine federalism is adopted [where all civil matters including natural resources will be with States and merely martial matters (of defense, foreign affairs, national transport, communication, currency etc) will be with Centre] then Muslims of Pakistan will have no problem in unified Indo-Pak.

(2)- Farooq Gb should know that two factors will go in favor of unified Indo-Pak (which is another name for ‘Akhand-Bharat’ which is the aspiration / dream of ‘Sangh Parivar’ the RSS, BJP etc):-
(i)- Being perceived to be communal in India (especially by Indian Muslims, the ~ 15 % of Indian Population) ‘Sangh Parivar’ knows that it cannot realize ‘Akhand-Bharat (Unified Indo-Pak which is pre-partition India minus Bangladesh which can later-on join, as Bangladesh unlike Pakistan is not hostile towards India).
(ii)- The other 70% of Indian population (SC, ST, BC, OBC) also wants secularism because present rule of BJP under PM Modi has been blessing in disguise for the benefit of secularism in India. These so-called lower castes of India have come to realize, under present regime of BJP, that medieval Hinduism which ‘Sangh Parivar’ is trying to promote is not good for these 70% population of India. Moreover progressive elements of so-called upper castes of Hindu also want genuine secularism in India. In a nutshell ~ 85 % of India, in present political environment, is well disposed towards secularism.

(3)- Apart from other things Farooq Gb should do three things:-
(i)- Farooq Gb should mobilize people of J&K (especially from Muslim Kashmir) who through said NNPP will carry-out demonstrations at Jammu and at Srinagar to demand retrieve of PoK (even militarily if necessary).
(ii)- Farooq Gb through this NNPP should carry-out demonstrations (at State capitals starting from Jantar-Mantar Delhi) for demanding recovery of Rs ~ 1,000 Lakh Crore through Income-tax from ~ 1 million tax evaders who (as discussed in Parliament in March 2016) evaded tax illegally showing it as agriculture income from 2007-08. This huge state-capital will solve all the economic problems of India where tens of thousands of farmers are committing suicide every year due to agriculture-distress in villages where two third of India lives (hence said demonstrations at State-capitals will garner immense support for NNPP from overwhelming majority of Indians)
(iii)- As present media in J&K is misguided Farooq Gb should endeavor to launch print and electronic media in J&K (preferably in Kashmir) for keeping not only Indians but also people of Pakistan well informed about activities of this NNPP. One possibility may be if Farooq Gb can approach and persuade the management of ‘Pakistan Christian Post’ (which functions from USA which is presently well disposed towards India) to launch this media from Kashmir.

It is hoped that Farooq Ganderbali will rise to the occasion and by launching said ‘new national political party’ (NNPP) will endeavor to solve the problem of Baloch-Sindh-Pashtun-Kashmir by working for ‘Federal Secular Democratic Unified India-Pakistan’ (FSDU-Indo-Pak)


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Shakopee, Minnesota, USA

Presently at: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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