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G20 Summit to tap into opportunities and sources for innovative growth: Russian Ambassador to China

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 2 Septembre 2016

G20 Summit to tap into opportunities and sources for innovative growth: Russian Ambassador to China
By Lin Xuedan from the People’s Daily

“I believe the G20 Hangzhou Summit and other relevant events will yield remarkable results and provide opportunities and sources for global economic growth and innovative development,” Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov told the People’ Daily in an interview.

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, the global economy has yet to recover. Concerning this, Denisov said that by “re-setting economic growth” a goal of the summit, the G20 has formed an ideal multilateral cooperation model that involves developed countries, developing countries and emerging markets.

“The G20 has identified the challenges and threats that are hindering the stable development of the global economy and has formulated feasible joint coping measures to deal with them,” the Russian Ambassador said.

Through consultation, the G20 will help reform the global economic governance system and chart a course for social and economic prospects, he added.

Thanks to its correct system and consistent agenda, the G20 has contributed to the stable and sustainable growth of the world economy through practical action, Denisov said.

He hailed China’s role in taking the reins of the 2016 G20 presidency, saying that Russia has also paid great attention to the same topics China has focused on, namely innovative growth, efficient global financial governance, robust international trade and investment as well as inclusive and interconnected development.

“Coordinated action within the G20 framework is a key component of the Sino-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership,” Denisov said, adding that both countries are actively setting the foundation for reasonable global economic governance.

The close collaboration, positive stance and constructive coordination of China and Russia will also contribute to the G20 agenda, the ambassador added. He further explained that the two nations have made a great deal of effort in this regard and will bring the summit their proposals based on these experiences.

When it comes to bilateral relations, Denisov expressed that the close interaction between leaders of both countries have demonstrated the maturity of Sino-Russian relations.

“Within this year, both leaders have met at certain international events, held the 21st regular meeting between the heads of governments and conducted a series of high-level political communications,” Denisov explained, adding that the consistent exchange of views is beneficial and necessary given the rapid development of the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership.

Denisov reiterated Russia’s support for the Chinese G20 presidency. “As President Vladimir Putin said during his visit to China this June, Russia is willing to provide assistance to China in hosting the summit and ensuring maximum results from the upcoming leaders’ summit,” he noted.

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