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Klaus Schwab Call for Responsive and Responsible Leadership

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 15 Janvier 2017

Xi Jinping will become the first Chinese president to attend the meeting and will address a record 3,000 delegates at the opening plenary session next Tuesday. Speaking about China’s growing power and influence in world affairs, Schwab wrote he could “foresee that President Xi will show how China will assume a responsible and responsive leadership role in world affairs”.

By Bai Yang from People's Daily

Klaus Schwab Call for Responsive and Responsible Leadership
In an article wrote for Chinese newspaper People’s Daily titled “Call for Responsive and Responsible Leadership” on Friday, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, expected that “President Xi will show how China will assume a responsible and responsive leadership role in world affairs”.

This year Klaus Schwab says the focus is on Responsive and Responsible Leadership. As people are living in a world marked by uncertainty, volatility and deep transformational changes, “leaders have to be responsive and responsible” and “taking the right decisions…is the daunting task of today’s leaders”, he stressed.

He also explained that to achieve this goal, leaders need sensitivity to serve as their radar system, and values and vision as their compass.

Four main tracks will be explored by stakeholders, he mentioned, namely reimagining global cooperation, revitalising the global economy, reforming capitalism and preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Xi Jinping will become the first Chinese president to attend the meeting and will address a record 3,000 delegates at the opening plenary session next Tuesday. Speaking about China’s growing power and influence in world affairs, Schwab wrote he could “foresee that President Xi will show how China will assume a responsible and responsive leadership role in world affairs”.

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