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Research and Innovation Forum on novel coronavirus held in Geneva

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 18 Février 2020

China’s quick response to the epidemic left a deep impression on Marion Koopmans, head of the Viroscience department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She appreciated the efforts made by Chinese scientists who isolated and sequenced the virus in two weeks and shared it with the world.

By Zhang Penghui, People’s Daily

The Research and Innovation Forum on novel coronavirus was convened in Geneva, Switzerland on Feb. 11 and 12.

Co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness, the forum was convened in line with the WHO R&D Blueprint – a strategy that coordinates global R&D forces to discover the research focus of the novel coronavirus, discuss therapeutic schemes and promote development of vaccines.

Over 400 experts and deputies from relevant organizations attended the forum, both in person and virtually. They believe that the focus of the short-term research should be developing easier means of diagnosis, providing the best treatment plans for patients, and the study on epidemiology. The development of vaccines and drugs shall be the focus of the mid-term research, they said.
Attendants to the forum praised China’s measures and responsibility in containing the epidemic, saying the international society should join hands to curb and eliminate the epidemic as early as possible.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus extended his greeting to Chinese scientists participating in the event through Internet in his opening remarks at the forum. He said the WHO stands with the Chinese people in solidarity, and wishes them courage, patience, success and good health in these extremely trying circumstances.

Multiple consensuses were achieved at the forum, including naming the novel coronavirus pneumonia the “COVID-19”. Tedros noted that naming the disease can avoid inaccuracy or stigma, and offer a standard format for other coronavirus epidemics that will possibly occur.

Facing the challenge posed by the COVID-2019, the WHO and attendants to the forum called on the international society to work with solidarity and collaboration, and shift major focus on R&D and epidemic prevention.

The director-general noted that the international society should use the window of opportunity and try its best to contain the COVID-2019, as there are still not many infections outside China. He called on the public to enhance protection and stressed to avoid overreaction.

Attendants to the forum agreed to cope with the epidemic with solidarity. Executive Director of WHO Health Emergencies Programme Michael Ryan said that the WHO doesn’t recommend measures to restrict travel or trade. Risks exist everywhere, and the key to cope with them is to match strategies with the level of them.

It is learnt that the first batch of experts organized by WHO have arrived in China to assist with controlling the epidemic. They are specialized in multiple areas such as clinic management, virology, vaccine and drug development, ecological investigation, epidemiology, public health and risk communication.

At the forum, the WHO recognized the decisive and forceful measures taken by China which helped avoid massive spread of the epidemic in other parts of the world. It believes that it is because of China’s quick identification of the pathogen and sharing of the sequence that larger spread was avoided.

Meanwhile, the WHO called on national leaders to demonstrate strong leadership and political will when dealing with public health challenges, stressing that China’s performance was worth learning from.

Director Carlos Morel of the Center for Technological Development in Health under Brazil’s Ministry of Health told People’s Daily that the Chinese government and Chinese people have made huge sacrifices in and contribution to combating the epidemic. He said that China has earned a valuable window of opportunity for the international society, adding that the world would have faced more pressure were it not for China’s decisive measures.

China’s quick response to the epidemic left a deep impression on Marion Koopmans, head of the Viroscience department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She appreciated the efforts made by Chinese scientists who isolated and sequenced the virus in two weeks and shared it with the world.

She said the two makeshift hospitals with over 1,000 beds each built by the Chinese government in Wuhan were completed in amazing speed, and China demonstrated unusual execution in the combat against the virus.

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