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Ribeiro & irresponsible Christianity grossly over-estimating & over-pampering Hinduism

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 29 Mai 2018

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- (i)- Ignorance of most celebrated & respected Cop Ribeiro about criminal law, fundamental rights and rule-of law, is baffling (ii)- It gives clue why India increasingly becoming failed-State (iii)- Without restoring fundamental right of religious-conversion, no hope for Hindu majority India

---Indian print and electronic media recently has made lot of noise about a circular which Archbishop of Delhi Rev Anil Couto (aggrieved due to communal policies of BJP and its governments at Centre and in many States) distributed in his diocese on May, 8. In this circular he allegedly said about “The threat to democratic principles enshrined in our Constitution and to the secular fabric” and further appealed to Christians “To pray and fast on every Friday till 2019 Parliamentary elections with hope that such surfeit of prayers and penance will convince divine providence to ensure a more benign and just ruling establishment in India”.

Retired IPS officer and a Padma Bhushan awardee Julio Ribeiro has also discussed this circular of Archbishop Couto and its implications in an article “A Prayer For Secularism: Hindu Rashtra which would make my country a saffron Pakistan is profoundly anti-national’’ in prominent & leading media ‘The Times of India’ May 28, 2018 as given at

Ribeiro undoubtedly has been the most celebrated & respected Police-officer hence his lament and hope in this article (as a Christian) deserves closer scrutiny. Moreover ignorance of Ribeiro about criminal law, fundamental rights and rule-of law is baffling & unfortunate and it gives clue why India is increasingly becoming failed-State [which is reflected also in blatant violation of human rights of minorities and so-called lower-castes of Hindu order (who combined constitute 85 % of India), huge unemployment, pathetic condition of college & higher education, rural distress where tens of thousands of farmers are committing suicide every year]. Therefore if Ribeiro is really sincere about protecting ‘secular democracy based on rule-of- law’ in India then he should do as given below:-

(1)- First and foremost in order to protect secularism and rule-of law Ribeiro should get following 7 writ petitions filed in Supreme Court of India (SCI) about:-
(i)- Legally expected (even before any judgment in appeal in SCI about title suit) the restoration of Status-quo-ante of Babri Masjid, which was demolished in 1992 in the presence of Observer of SCI. Also with a prayer that SCI should direct GOI to be ready to requisition UNPKF in case communal Hindutva forces create law & order problem all across the country (If security forces of India can go in other countries for maintaining peace though UNPKF then security forces of other countries can also come in India for maintaining peace through UNPKF). [Ribeiro should know that non-restoration of Status-quo-ante of Babri Masjid emboldened communal Hindutva forces which not only resulted in massacre of thousands of innocent Muslims including during 2002 in Gujarat but it also paved the way for BJP (an element of communal Hindutva forces) in power at Centre and in many States of India].
(ii)- Query regarding retrieve of Indian territory of Muslim PoK (including militarily if necessary) in the interest of removal of AFSPA etc through writ first in J&K High Court and then in SCI, if needed. Ribeiro ought to be intrigued to see that Indian military instead of taking-on Pak military for retrieve of PoK, is showing its ‘bravery’ by training its guns at Indian citizens and unnecessarily harassing them (mostly Kashmiri Muslims) under the protection of AFSPA etc.
(iii)- Prosecution against guilty found by Sri Krishna Commission about 1992-93 communal riots in Mumbai / Maharashtra (while rightly asking for deportation / action against Dawood Ibrahim etc, the guilty of serial blasts which were direct fallout of said riots).
(iv)- Constitutional obligation regarding public debt against security of consolidated funds of governments under Article 292 & 293 and not under FRBM which is unconstitutionally promoting unethical unbridled usury (interest earning) and resultant huge illegal public debts.
(v)- Delhi 1984 & Gujarat 2002 riots regarding responsibility of and punishment to executive magistrates and security & armed forces in stopping riots under sections 129, 130, 131 Cr.P.C.
(vi)- Quashing of discriminatory (especially against Muslims, Christians etc) Reservation-policy which is giving reservation to also those castes of Hindus which once ruled in India. [In ‘Rajtantra’ State run the people where as in ‘Prajatantra’ people run the State hence the moral of the people should be higher than of the State in any democracy. But the people who consider themselves as Dalits backward etc their moral cannot be higher. There is nothing wrong in reservation (if necessary) especially to those who otherwise do not get proportional representation in governments, but it should not be in the name of demoralizing tag (fatally harmful for democracy) of SC, ST, BC, OBC etc. Rather reservation can be given only in government service on merit (and not in education or elections) to any recognizable human group whichever demands it proportional to its percentage in population].
(vii)- Making religious-conversion an unfettered fundamental right and repealing all the laws which unconstitutionally discourage conversion by absurdly saying that these are due to allurement, intimidation etc. [Unless there is a competition among religions in India Hinduism will not get enlightened and will keep on treating 70 % of population (SC, ST, BC, OBC etc) in a manner which is patently lethal for democracy. Ribeiro should simultaneously persuade religious leaders of Christians in India to constrain global leaders of Christianity (both Catholics and Protestants) like Pope at Rome etc to get United Nations moved for the protection & enforcement of unfettered fundamental right of freedom of religion all over the world].

(2)- Ribeiro need not be apologetic about Christianity and about philanthropic activities of Christianity. Ribeiro should know that it is Christian West (Britishers) which not only avoided blood-bath between Hindus and Muslims which was otherwise inevitable after decline of Moghul-power in India during 18th century but also made India what India is today which is trying to be a progressive & modern nation (with vast territory under one central authority being administered by rule-of-law through major laws like IPC, CrPC, CPC, Evidence Act etc).

(3)- Regarding philanthropic activities Ribeiro should persuade Indian Christianity to launch these at large scales all across India through a new working-model (suitable for democracy) of ‘participatory-philanthropy’. In these ‘participatory-philanthropic’ institutions about health-care and education the people will participate through shares (like limited companies) where assets will be from charity and revenue from fees from the beneficiaries of these philanthropic activities.

(4)- Ribeiro should understand that Christianity (the followers of which, especially in West, are presently ruling the world) has irresponsibly left other religionists (who can’t manage their affairs properly) to fend for themselves. As a result, what to talk of Hindus (who are comparatively better) tens of millions of Muslims are weeping & bleeding profusely from AF-PAK-Kashmir to NAME region (including in Syria).

Therefore it is hoped that (i)- Irresponsible Christianity (which has stopped converting people to Christianity hence stopped itself from getting up-dated) will stop grossly over-estimating & over-pampering Hinduism and instead (in the interest of protecting ‘secular democracy based on rule-of- law’) will endeavor to usher India into legally & ethically desirable competition among religions (ii)- Ribeiro himself will ensure that Indian Christianity takes up the work of conversion and ‘participatory-philanthropy’ (with gusto) all across India.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Shakopee, Minnesota, USA

Presently at: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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