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Situation graver than Archbishop-Goa thinks. Should urgently move SCI & UN

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 6 Juin 2018

Bengaluru, India

(i)- In view of pathetic situation of overwhelming majority of Indians the circular by Archbishop-Goa, understandable. (ii)- Situation graver if threat issued by BJP leader for renewal of Ayodhya gory agitation, is taken into consideration (iii)- Sangh-parivar will succeed in engineering massive blood-bath due to either cowardice or mischief of Muslims (iv)- If Archbishop-Goa serious about avoiding said blood-bath & demise of secularism in India & then should urgently move SCI & UN.

--On the heels of the circular by Archbishop-Delhi which raised controversy and also resulted in an article by Ribeiro ( OR another circular has been issued by Rev. Ferrao the Archbishop of Goa which has raised controversy in India as mentioned at .

In view of economically pathetic situation of overwhelming majority of Indians (Two third of India lives in rural areas where due to agriculture distress tens of thousands of farmers are committing suicide every year and since June, 1 farmers are on 10 days strike for demanding remunerative price of agro-products), huge unemployment / underemployment and recurring stances of oppression of and atrocities against dalits and minorities etc - the circular by Archbishop-Goa is understandable.

But situation is graver if threat issued by BJP leader Katiyar this year is taken into consideration as reported at This threat has become real because BJP in its election manifestoes (including in 2014 Parliamentary election) has been mentioning the construction of Ram Temple but on June,4 another BJP Leader Naqvi said that 2019 Parliamentary election will be fought only on the issue of development as reported at

These two seemingly (in reality not) contradictory statements of BJP leaders can be understood if taken into consideration the fact that Muslims are highly likely (mainly due to Muslim argument that there is no mention of Ram Temple / Rama’s birth place at disputed site in Ram-Chari-Manas written by Goswami Tulsi Das after construction of Babri-Masjid) to succeed in title suit in Supreme Court of India (SCI).

This means that BJP (Part of Sangh-parivar / Hindutva forces) in governments at Centre and in many States will keep on talking about development whereas remaining Sangh-parivar and its militant elements (Bajrang-dal, VHP, RSS etc) will organize mass movement for constructing Ram temple despite SCI judgment. Though Sangh-parivar is saying that like in 1990 / 92 Hindu ‘Karsevaks’ (volunteers) will be required to lay down their lives for Ram-Temple but this time (with BJP in governments at Centre and in overwhelming majority of States) it will be nothing short of genocide of innocent Muslims all across India which will pale into insignificance the 2002 Gujarat.

Though this gory scenario can be avoided if Muslims file petition (before judgment by SCI in said title suit about Ram-Mandir / Babri-Masjid) for legally expected restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Masjid. But Muslims have not done it and will not do it either due to cowardice or mischief [where Muslims under instructions from global-Islam may be conspiring to damage rule-of-law in India so that India (like Islamic-world) can be converted from Secular to theocratic Hindu State].

In a nutshell Sangh-parivar will succeed in engineering massive blood-bath which will pave the way for legislation (despite SCI judgment almost likely in favor of Muslims) for construction of Ram-Temple. The SCI will not allow this legislation because it will be against basic structure of Secular Indian Constitution. Hence in next stage BJP and Sangh-parivar will be glad to convert Indian Constitution from Secular to ‘Theocratic Hindu State’ (Which they are dreaming and aspiring for from the time of Independence in 1947).

Therefore if Archbishop-Goa is serious about avoiding (i)- Said blood-bath in India and (ii)- The conversion of Indian Constitution from Secular to ‘Theocratic Hindu State’ then he should urgently move:-

(1)- The SCI for legally expected restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Masjid with a prayer that GOI should be directed to requisition UNPKF in time in case Hindutva forces create serious law & order problem while restoring this status-quo-ante of Babri-Masjid

(2)- The UN (also by mobilizing global Christianity for this purpose) for enforcing fundamental human rights of freedom of religion / unfettered-conversion all across the world. [Because Hinduism is not prepared to give-up hierarchical social order of dalit, backward etc which has been further buttressed by reservation in the name of these castes with demoralizing tag of dalit, backward etc, the only solution to these problems is unfettered conversion which is presently being absurdly opposed legally by saying that it is being done mainly by Christianity and Islam through allurement or coercion].


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Shakopee, Minnesota, USA

Presently at: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

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