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Another opportunity to solve Kashmir problem

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 27 Octobre 2016

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- I will be going to Kashmir on Monday October, 31

---- In 2013 I tried ( ) to assist the Kashmiris in finding Kashmir solution on the basis that India should use its military in retrieving India’s territory of PoK and not for training guns at the civilians of J&K and that too under oppressive AFSP, SPA etc. But due to some reasons it could not materialize then in 2013

Last week in my letter to Editor (in view of 106 days of Bandh / Strike by separatists I inferred that entire Kashmir is with Pakistan) hence I also agreed with former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah that LoC as de-facto border is the logical solution. May be provoked / inspired by this letter one Kashmiri contacted me (at my residence at Bengaluru) on telephone and told me that it is not true that all the Kashmiris are with Pakistan / separatists trio (Geelani, Mirwaiz and Yasin). On the contrary many rather majority of Kashmiris are with India but they are not able to get their act together and to find the way to get their voice heard and to bring normalcy to Kashmir valley. Hence he further suggested that I should come to Kashmir again and then we all pro-Indians can launch a political movement to not only bring normalcy to Kashmir but also to solve chronic and gory Kashmir problem, once and for all, to the satisfaction of entire India including the people of J&K.

Therefore I am going to Kashmir (Srinagar) after Diwali on Monday on October, 31 where (in view of the fact that no existing political party in J&K has been able to motivate the people of Kashmir to restore normalcy in Kashmir) we will launch the political movement on ground in J&K (especially in Kashmir) either by launching a new national level political party from Kashmir or by amending the constitution of any existing political party (operating in Kashmir) which will agree to work as per our policies / ideology / political programs in consonance with human-rights-friendly Federal-Secular-Socialist-Democratic Republic.

We appeal to the media of India (especially the media of J&K) to cooperate with the pro-Indian people in J&K (especially in Kashmir) in the interest of accomplishing the said mission.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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