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China treats domestic, foreign firms equally in policy-making: official

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 21 Octobre 2017

Manufacturers from all countries are welcomed to join China’s initiative to seek a win-win cooperation, Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), told a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

By Wan Yu from People’s Daily

Both domestic and foreign companies will be given equal treatment when China works on detailed policies for its "Made in China 2025" strategy, a blueprint for upgrading the country's manufacturing sector, China’s industry and technology regulator pledged on Thursday.

Manufacturers from all countries are welcomed to join China’s initiative to seek a win-win cooperation, Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), told a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Stressing the importance of industrialization and informatization in the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the minister urged an accelerated pace to build China’s strength in manufacturing and cyberspace.

China remains the world’s biggest manufacturer and a major player in global cyberspace arena, he added.

Miao added that quality and efficiency should be given more weight in China’s development plans, as the economy has come to a new phase. China’s endeavor to speed up supply-side structural reform is an effort to meet the new demands in this new phase, he explained.

Miao’s remarks are also an echo to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s call to further supply-side structural reform.

“In developing a modernized economy, we must focus on the real economy, give priority to improving the quality of the supply system, and enhance our economy’s strength in terms of quality,” Xi said in thereport delivered to the 19th CPC National Congress on Wednesday.

China shipped $1.99 trillion worth of industrial products around the globe in 2016, accounting for one in seven of the world’s total, making the country the largest exporter of industrial products, Miao wrote in an article published previously.

The technology-intensive electromechanical products have replaced the labor-intensive textiles products to be the main driver of exports, Miao stressed, adding that the high-end equipment, a frontier ground in manufacturing sector, represents the core competitiveness of the whole industry.

Technical upgrade has been high on the agenda of China’s “Made in China 2025” strategy. In order to accomplish its goal, the country has rolled out innovation projects on high-end technology, and sped up special research programs on cutting-edge machine tools, aerial engine, gas turbine and large aircrafts.

A bunch of breakthroughs have been yielded in technology development, the official wrote, citing the evidence of China’s operation of home-grown BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, as well as successful launch of the world's first quantum satellite and observation satellite Gaofen-4.

Gaofen-4 is China's first geosynchronous orbit high-definition optical imaging satellite and the world's most sophisticated.

The unmanned submersible "Haidou-1" independently developed by China makes the country the third after Japan and the US to build submersibles capable of reaching depths in excess of 10,000 meters, the minister added.

The Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft successfully completed its automated docking with the orbiting Tiangong-2 space lab as well, he illustrated the accomplishments, adding that the bullet trains that China holds independent intellectual property rights has also grown into a name card of “Made-in-China” products.

China's home-grown C919  large aircraft (Photo from Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.)

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