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Commentary: China, Mauritius to open up new chapter of friendship

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 24 Juillet 2018

It is believed that the trip will further lift bilateral political mutual trust, enrich the connotation of bilateral practical cooperation, deepen cultural exchanges, and chart a course for the development of China-Mauritius ties in the new era.

By Sun Gongyi

Commentary: China, Mauritius to open up new chapter of friendship
As a Chinese poem reads, "Good friends feel close to each other even when they are thousands of miles away."

In the distant Mauritius, “Chinese red” will add joyful atmosphere to its bright sunshine, stretching beaches and blue skies, as Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a friendly visit to this island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometers off the southeast coast of the African continent, a re-visit by the Chinese President in nine years.

Known as “Heaven On Earth”, Mauritius is well reputed for its diversity, harmony and amity. Chinese culture also constitutes a key part of its diversified culture as back to over two centuries ago, some Chinese people already travelled all the way across the oceans to set foot on this island that only has a span of 2,000-plus square kilometers.

Three decades ago, China, in this beautiful island nation, set up its first overseas cultural center, which is now a crucial window to display Chinese culture.

Mauritius also has bustling Chinese Town, restaurants offering authentic Chinese food, hilarious dragon boat race, as well as delightful dragon and lion dances. Though Chinese living there contribute less than 20,000 to its 1.3 million population, it is the only country across Africa that establishes China’s Spring Festival as a public holiday.

News about China are usually closely followed by residents of Mauritius where Chinese elements can be seen everywhere, which can be proved by the signboards in Chinese standing on streets or beaches, the Chinese food loved by locals, as well as the marriage with Chinese people. Some Mauritians also say hello in mandarin to Chinese people.

The affection of Mauritians towards Chinese people is a kind of heartfelt amity coming from bilateral historical and cultural connection.

Since China and Mauritius established diplomatic ties in 1972, both sides have maintained a sound and stable development of friendly ties despite of the volatile international environment.

With frequent high-level mutual visits, they have rendered mutual understanding on issues concerning their core interests and major concern, and supported each other in international and regional affairs.

Bilateral economic and trade cooperation has yielded fruitful results as well, with tens of Chinese businesses having explored the market of the island nation, and engaged in the latter’s economic and social development.

The special economic zone, new airport terminals, Bagatelle dam as well as the Safe City project implemented in Mauritius are all witness of bilateral win-win cooperation in trade and economy.

Cultural exchanges are on a rise as well, with more Mauritian students pursuing further studies in China.

Each year, over 500 representatives from all social spheres would be sent to China for training, bringing China’s advanced technologies, management experience as well as friendship of hospitable Chinese people back to their hometown upon the completion of courses.

As an attractive travelling destination, the island nation has braced for nearly 80,000 Chinese tourists each year since a visa-free policy was adopted by both sides in 2013.

The year 2018, which is also the 50th anniversary of Independence of Mauritius, will be of milestone significance in bilateral ties. All walks of life in Mauritius are now eager for Xi’s upcoming visit.

It is believed that the trip will further lift bilateral political mutual trust, enrich the connotation of bilateral practical cooperation, deepen cultural exchanges, and chart a course for the development of China-Mauritius ties in the new era.

With the concerted efforts of both sides, China and Mauritius will definitely open up new chapter of friendship in the new era.

(By Sun Gongyi, Chinese Ambassador to Mauritius)

Source: People’s Daily

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