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Prez Mukherjee too seems to be fixed by big money

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 14 Novembre 2016

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- India has cabinet system of governance (ii)- Cabinet approval of major decisions to be taken pre-facto and not post-facto (iii) FM Jaitley and media reports are prove that post facto cabinet approval for de-monetization was taken and cabinet was forcefully confined (iv)- Otherwise also GOI faces crisis of credibility too and not merely charge of incompetence (v)- Prez Mukherjee failed to discharge his constitutional obligation to stop illegal de-monetization (vi)- Political parties opposing de-monetization should demand resignation of Prez Mukherjee (as impeachment not possible) if he does not - (A)- Dismiss Modi government (B)- stop illegal de-monetization process (C )- Order fresh Parliamentary elections

----- By not attacking the problem of black money in its totality and by leaving major destination of black money (real estate, bullion jewelry, securities etc) un-tackled and by merely attacking minor element of black money (cash) through de-monetization [without realizing that part of cash (as black money) will also go to major destination] the success of black-money eradication program (through de-monetization) has already come in serious question. It is mostly considered by Indians as a result of faulty planning & implementation.
But what is more serious if doubts are raised on the motive behind de-monetization especially when it has subjected Indians to immense hardship, inconvenience and harassment. Therefore Government of India (GOI) should assure India that new bank-deposits would not be given to any favorite businessman / industrialist of the present government and its party or to any defaulter of NPAs, as mentioned at:- OR

But there is one more problem of constitutional crises which needs to be addressed urgently. India has cabinet system of governance where Cabinet approval of major decisions is to be taken pre-facto and not post-facto. But Finance Minister Arun Jaitley (during TV interview) told that Cabinet approval was not taken in (say) May 2016 rather before one hour of TV speech of PM Modi (which was telecasted at 2000 Hrs on November 8, 2016) Cabinet was post-facto informed about de-monetization (the process for which was already going on for the last about six months)

Not only that, such a momentous illegal post facto cabinet decision as massive de-monetization (which has disturbed, inconvenience and harassed the entire country and has brought the major part of economic life of the country to stand-still) was taken by forcefully confining (practically hostage) the Cabinet members as reported by media at saying also that – ‘At the Cabinet meeting before Modi's announcement, ministers were told to keep their mobile phones outside the room and reports suggest that they were not allowed to leave till the PM's decision had been broadcast’

Otherwise also GOI faces crisis of credibility too and not merely charge of incompetence as mentioned above due to entire exercise of de-monetization to benefit big money.

President Pranab Mukherjee is legally expected to know about this forceful post-facto approval of cabinet about de-monetization and was expected to take appropriate action under Article 78 of the Constitution and otherwise. But he has so-far failed to do so which raises legitimate and genuine suspicion that Prez Mukherjee also might have been fixed by big money.

Hence Political parties opposing de-monetization should demand resignation of Prez Mukherjee if Prez Mukherjee does not, immediately without further delay, act to address this constitutional crises because impeachment of Prez Mukherjee is not possible for the simple reason that ruling party BJP and its Member of Parliament and Ministers are under strangulation control of big money and their supporters PM Modi and BJP President Shah (as said practically-hostage incidence proves).

The leaders of anti-demonetization (like Sonia Gandhi, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Mamta Banerjee, Arvind Kejariwal, Mayawati, Udhav Thackeray, of Left Parties etc) should immediately march to Rashtrapati-Bhavan to demand resignation of Prez Mukerjee if he does not - (A)- Dismiss Modi government (B)- Stop illegal de-monetization process (C )- Order fresh Parliamentary elections.


Hem Raj Jain

Bengaluru, India.

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