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Russia, the legendary warlords of cold-war

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 19 Décembre 2015

Edina - MN, USA

War is NOW for religion hence without 'RGPO' the UNSC resolution about Syria wouldn’t solve problems

Dear Editor

Sub:- USA & Russia, the legendary warlords of cold-war (on the economic issues of capitalism, socialism, communism and attended political order), woefully unable to understand war FOR religion (and NOT OF religions).

-- Had UNSC resolution of December, 18 about Syria come before June, 2014 when ISIS caliphate was declared - (despite thorny issues of President Assad’s fate and identification of rebel groups who would participate in talks with Syrian government about transitional government and elections for establishing political order in Syria) - it could have solved the problem of Syria. But ISIS caliphate has changed the situation fundamentally by making it a religious issue (and not merely economic-political issue) as given below:-

(i)- Shias have credible leaders in Iran, Assad government and Lebanon (with Hezbollah) and that too led by Russia but Sunnis do not have such luxury despite Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt etc who practically did nothing when Syria was bleeding and weeping profusely (where in a country of 22 millions above 250,000 killed, ~ 11 millions displaced including ~ 4 millions in foreign countries including in refugee camps).
(ii)- Hence not only ISIS has better credibility than governments of Sunni countries but the idea of its Caliphate has appealed to Sunni Muslims all over the World which has 85 % Sunnis and 15 % Shias out of ~ 2 Billion World’s Muslim population. That is the reason ISIS has been able to get foothold in other Muslim countries through local terrorist organizations.
(iii)- World comprises mainly of four major groups the Christians, Muslims, Chinese and Hindus. The Christians are economically and militarily powerful hence does not matter whereas Chinese and Hindus are solidly in one country each and it is only Muslims who are living in different countries. Therefore Muslims all over the world (who are bleeding and weeping profusely in many countries) find the idea of Caliphate very attractive.
(iv)- Hence elimination of ISIS (and its Caliphate) by USA (an euphemism for UN) from territories of Syria and Iraq EVEN with the help of military of Sunni majority countries will not only trigger Shia - Sunni backlash all over the world but will engender intense terrorist attacks by ISIS and its local terrorist allies in these Sunni countries (including in Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc) in addition to some in Western and other countries.
(v)- Global community will certainly be ethically justified to eliminate terrorist ISIS despite such increased terrorist attacks but main problem will be to Sunni Muslim countries of NAME and not to Christian West because idea of Caliphate will not allow these countries to remain in peace unless Caliphate is established at-least in these Sunni majority Muslim countries of NAME.
(vi)- Therefore without ‘Regulated Global Political Order’ (RGPO) this UNSC resolution (which is trying to bring peace in Syria through same old Hit & Run policy, which failed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya) is bound to fail again. The best way to solve Syria problem and to eliminate 'ISIS Caliphate terrorism' is to encourage ‘non-violent democratic Caliphate’ in NAME region [by USA (& its Allies) who will remain predominant in Syria solution, despite Russian military intervention since September, 2015] as explained below: -

(1)- The USA is unable to tackle ISIS phenomenon because so far it has failed to understand political-religion nature of Islam. Christian majority USA does not understand the basic difference between Christianity (which believes in leaving unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar thus keeping religion and State separate) and Islam (which does not believe in such separation).

(2)- Throughout the history of mankind civilizations have been shaped predominantly by saints and warriors. After Jainism in India [of its founding Teerthankar (Prophet) Rishabh Dev (Adinath) and not its 24th Prophet (contemporary of Lord Buddha) Mahaveer Swamy, who renounced State], Islam is the only religion where warriors and saints have been under one authority like Prophet Mohammed and Caliph like Baghdadi, a religiously privileged Quresh (unlike Ayatollah of Iran who is not involved with warriors). Therefore USA should try to understand this political-religion nature of Islam and should do the following -

(3)- First and foremost USA should understand that (i)- It will have to deal with Islamic terrorism of ISIS etc not only in ISIS territory of Syria and Iraq but at-least (to start with) in Sunni dominant NAME region if not in other terrorism infested Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. (iii)- Christian concept of totally separating State and religion has failed to solve the problems the mankind is facing all over the World (iii)- The Islamic concept of not so much separation of State and religion is closer to democracy because in democracy state has to be under the authority of the people which can be only through religion (and not through less powerful and divisive economic forces like capitalism, socialism, communism etc).

(4)- Islam in Sunni NAME region can not be given freehand because like every other religion Islam also came in existence during monarchy (rule of kings and emperors) hence its many values are in conflict with the values of democracy. This has not been understood in largest democracy India too which is the main reason in India, political parties like ruling parties BJP, Shiv Sena, Akali Dal have been trying to mix religion (though not as violent as conceived by Jihadis of Islam) with politics (by clumsily copying Islam) but so far they have been able to only bring communal riots and disharmony between communities (which resulted in Ayodhya dispute in which post Babri Mosque demolition in 1992 thousand of innocents mainly Muslims were killed in riots including in Gujarat in 2002 and Khalistan movement started in Punjab resulting in murder of incumbent PM Indira Gandhi)..

(5)- Therefore in view of above mentioned a right balance can be achieved by implementing RGPO in NAME where (i)- USA (through UN) should ensure ‘non-violent democratic Caliphate’ in NAME as ‘United States of NAME’ (USNAME or any other suitable name) in which countries of NAME region (first Syria) will be persuaded to join USNAME.

(6)- In any country whoever runs the institution of health and education runs the country. Hence in order to give supremacy to people in democracy (through religion which will serve the purpose of Islam of not separating State from religion) the institution for education can be taken-up later but people should first be given the responsibility of running the institution of health care through religion (as is done through Mutual Funds for shareholders in limited companies / corporations). ‘Participatory Health Care Program’ (PHCP) should be launched, as given below, to provide health care in USNAME for every employee (whether in organized or in unorganized sectors) and to economically humble employers / self-employed (i)- In management in addition to representatives from government the elected representatives of employees and of employer (making contributions may be through Mutual Funds of Islam) should be there (ii)- There should be first appellate tribunal nominated by employers which can look into leave (suspected to be unnecessary) granted by PHCP doctors to ailing employees (second such appellate tribunal may be nominated by government) (iii)- Throughout his / her life every medical care / facility should be free to every member (and his / her dependent family member) of this PHCP.

(7)- USNAME should be left free to enact laws in order to discourage unbridled usury (the Islamic principle against unbridled interest earning) (i)- By restricting interest maximum up-to 4 % for taking care of working expenses of banks and financial institutions (ii)- By deploying State-capital (born out of fiscal deficit) profitably in unemployment removal programs of constructing residential and commercial buildings which will be given on rent to be decided by ‘Rent Commission’ in USNAME.

(8)- In addition to above mentioned following should be done:-

(i)- International Political Parties ( IPP) registered at UN (which will also take part in election in NAME / Syria etc) to take care of demoralized & incompetent local population who on their own can not manage politics of their countries. [USA can utilize the services of Muslim-Americans in launching such IPP in NAME (first in Syria) and for wider objective of USNAME).
(ii)- Notwithstanding so-called sovereignty (of even such UN member countries who do not have competence and resources to defend sovereignty) instead of Optional Protocol OP-1 the Mandatory Protocol MP-1 of ICCPR of UN should be there for enforcing human rights in every USNAME State, even militarily if necessary.
(iii)- Mandatory requirement for every USNAME State to provide adequate facilities and place for protest / demonstrations and prisons for those who break laws or offer arrest during protests / demonstration (‘excess on demonstrators’ was main excuse for regime change as happened in Ukraine and in many NAME countries).
(iv)- Mechanism (including international) for prosecuting government authorities of USNAME committing serious crimes including excess on demonstrators / protesters and war crimes (including thus-far have been committed by ISIS etc).
(v)- UN Election Commission (UNEC) for supervising the work of Election Commissions in TROUBLED regions of USNAME (first in Syria).
(vi)- Without global currency globalization (USNAME as precursor) is impossible hence global currency with proper asset back-up (under physical and constructive possession of money issuing authority) with head office at UN (or any where in USA) and branches in USNAME.
(vii)- Freedom of religion should be unfettered in USNAME and ONLY ‘conversion through physical coercion’ (and not through so-called inducement of any type) should be made illegal in USNAME.

(9)- There is one more very important reason for USA to encourage in NAME this socio-political model of not so much separation of State from religion. As media and presidential candidates of both Democrats and Republicans in USA are also complaining, the condition of working class (including politically much invoked middle class) in USA has been deteriorating incessantly for two decades (in terms of real-wages, job opportunities, health & education facilities, housing etc). Hence above mentioned working-class-friendly socio-political model, sooner than later, may be adopted in USA too, because (i)- It gives benefits of jobs, affordable housing, better economy etc (ii)- It has tremendous advantage of keeping working class busy in 'participatory philanthropic activities' (in THEIR institutions for health & education) through social service after retirement which [in addition to bringing social cohesion (which presently is showing signs of strains) in USA] will be good for their post-retirement health too.

(10)- The USA need not be allergic to this socio-political system (of not so much separation of State from religion) just because it is derived from Caliphate of Islam or Founding Teerthankar of Jainism. Rather (as in many countries Governor of State is ex-officio Chancellor of all universities in that State) it can easily be achieved in USA by merely having US President (the supreme commander of US armed forces) as ex-officio Chairman of all the said participatory Philanthropic Institutions (with Mutual Funds of Christianity and other religions practiced in USA) which will serve the purpose of bringing saints and warriors under one authority in USA.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of 'Betrayal of Americanism')

Edina - MN, USA
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