English News

The COP22 is the first event to conform to ISO20121 Standards in Africa

- 18 Novembre 2016

Marrakesh, the 17th November, 2016 - M Marc Roussel, Vice-President of the group Bureau Veritas, presented Abdeladim Lhafi, Commissioner of the COP, the Certificate of Conformity to the ISO 20121 Standards.

The Awards Ceremony of the Certificate ISO 20121 for the organisation of the COP22 took place this Friday, 18th November 2016 at 11h in the Moroccan Pavillion. The Certificate was presented to M Abdeladim Lhafi, Commissioner General of COP22 by M Marc Roussel, Vice-President of the group Bureau Veritas. The ISO 20121 standard outlines all the requirements necessary for a management system integrating sustainable development for all types of events and event activities, and supplying the directives to comply to these demands.

The taking into account of all sustainable development requirements during the organisation of COP22 was a central consideration of the Pilot Committee responsible for the organisation of the event.

It was important that the organisation adhered to the ISO 20120 Standard and to the relevant indicators for the reduction of sources of greenhouse gas emissions (energy, food and beverage, accommodation, reduction in paper consumption, and waste management) and to social aspects (direct employment, accident statistics, reduced mobility facilities, number of on-site medical consultants).  Also to note, that carbon balance of COP22 was implemented as a procedure. Once the balance is implemented, the residual gas emissions will have been compensated.

"We had to prepare this site in a very short time-frame and within a defined period. We should celebrate the fact that it went as well as it possibly could", commented Abdeladim Lhafi, Commissioner of COP22. For Marc Roussel, vice-president of the group Bureau Veritas

"The organisation of a conference as important, in such conditions is a challenge Morocco rose to.  The COP22 has been evaluated in several stages conforming to the international standards ISO20121.  The COP22 is the second UN conference to be certified ISO20121 following COP21 in Paris. In terms of the continent, it is the first to receive the certificate.

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