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Trump’s biggest FP challenge will be to prevent India becoming communist country post demonetization

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 21 Janvier 2017

Bengaluru, India

---- After getting sworn in the US President Donald Trump gave isolationist speech on January, 20 but entire world knows that this policy will not last once Trump starts running office. But rest of the world does not know that Trump’s biggest Foreign Policy challenge will be to prevent India from becoming communist country post demonetization. The 21 st century US presidents have already left unsavory legacies. Bush Jr. left 9/11 and economic crises 2007 and from both the world has not yet recovered. Obama allowed Crimea taken away by Russia (without shedding a drop of blood) from Ukraine despite Budapest Memorandum and allowed mess in NAME region with the result ISIS came into existence through Iraq and Syria. Hence Trump will not like such third unsavory legacy.

Demonetization has proved that India is unfit for democracy as explained at . Such unfortunate situation has not come as a surprise. In my many published letter I had pointed out that reservation policy in India is anti-democracy. Democracy can’t be run by demoralized people. There is nothing wrong with the policy of reservation but it should not be given with demoralizing tag of oppressed and backward castes which constitute majority of Hindus.

Post demonetization (which has benefited big business but which is in very small minority in numbers) the powerful section of Indians have realized that the present form of democracy will not work and will be harmful to them (especially when PM Modi has assumed the role of Robin hood) though they do not know what can replace the present political model. Hence India never had so favorable situation for communism as post demonetization. It will be China’s biggest failure if it fails to convert India into communist country post demonetization. China can easily patronize a pro-communism party in India which can easily come in power at the center in the present situation.

Thus even through democracy & present constitution India can be ushered into communism. Some Indians may be under wrong impression that earlier Supreme Court judgment is final that basic structure of constitution can’t be changed hence democracy can’t be removed. It is nothing but delusion. Indian constitution puts no restriction / bar on the power of the Parliament to amendment the constitution under Article 368. If Parliament wants then it can even impeach Supreme Court Judges under Article 124 (4) of the Constitution who try to deny amending power to Parliament under Article 368.

Presently communism being not anti – religion and pro- capitalists it will help the advent of Communism in India. One third Indian Territory under influence of Naxalites (Marxists) will be crucial for making India a communist country. Also ~ 15 % Muslims in India smarting under democracy with 85 % Hindus in ~ 1.3 billion so-called secular India will also be crucial for making India a communist country [India has already given goodbye to secularism especially since late eighties when Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992 and in attended riots thousands of Muslims have been killed including in Gujarat in 2002. Moreover Hindu majority India never tried to retrieve Muslim PoK and instead its military is showing ‘bravery’ by training guns on civilians (Mostly Muslim Kashmiris) under protection of AFSPA, SPA etc in J&K].

Therefore Prez Trump should keep above mentioned realities of India in view before arriving at Foreign Policy about India in particular and Asia in general


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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