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Venkaiahji, two-nation-theory winning in Kashmir as secular-socialist ideology betrayed by India

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 26 Juillet 2016

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub: - (i)- Two nation theory presently being buttressed by Caliphate factor (ii)- Pakistan important to Sunni Muslims due to its Nukes (iii)- Without being true to secularism & socialism India can’t solve Kashmir problem (iv)- BJP can practice secularism & socialism only when adopts patriotism, what Venkaiah is preaching (v)- Government of India need not through-up its hands (vi)- But Key lies in retrieve of POK

---- Four conclusions can easily be drawn from the article ‘A Proxy War In Kashmir’ in TOI on July, 26 by Union Minister for I&B and Urban development M Venkaiah Naidu (i)- It is extremely superficial analysis of the situation in Kashmir which gives a clue about confusion & policy paralysis in Government of India (GOI) (ii)- It is an abject defense of security forces of India including Indian military which does not have courage to take-on the military of Pakistan for the retrieve of POK and instead showing its ‘bravery’ by training guns at the civilians / citizens of India in Kashmir (iii)- It does not realize that two nation theory can be defeated only by secularism and socialism which BJP too (like Congress) is not practicing (iv)- It is not prepared to understand that still the key to the solution of Kashmir problem, lies in retrieve of POK.

Venkaiah does not realize that ‘two nation theory’ (the basis of India’s partition in 1947 on the basis of religion) is presently being buttressed by Caliphate factor aroused by ISIS which even triggered recent failed coup in Turkey where disgruntled elements in Turkey were against President Erdogan who is allegedly trying to bring Caliphate back in Turkey and then in all Muslim majority countries (which was dismantled after World War I and which triggered mass movement in India by Congress under the leadership of Gandhi for the restoration of Caliphate). The Caliphate is appealing to all the Sunni Muslims ( ~ 87 % of global Muslim population) because like three other major human blocks namely Christians (with NATO), Chinese and Hindus it will bring Sunni Muslims also under one military authority (which will help Sunni Muslims in finding solution to gory and chronic problems like Palestine problem, Kashmir problem etc). In this caliphate factor Pakistan is important to Sunni-Muslim-World due to its Nukes which will further give teeth to Sunni Muslim military power under Caliphate.

Moreover Venkaiah is grossly underestimating the intelligence of Kashmiris when in said article is unnecessarily giving importance to what former Home Minister Chidambaram said in a TV interview about ‘honoring the grand bargain promised by India (of keeping only defense, foreign affairs, currency and communication with Union) at the time of accession of J&K to India’. The Kashmiris have refused to be fallen in the trap of Venkaiah and Chidambaram and no less than a person former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah in a TV interview has already said that the problem is now political [because now separatists (who’s numbers are increasing rapidly after killing of Burhani) are questioning the very accession of J&K to India]

Hence India is unnecessarily fretting & fuming [at what Pak PM Nawaz is saying and doing for snatching Muslim Kashmir (if not entire J&K) from India] without understanding that if Nawaz does not do so then Jihadi-Islam of Pakistan [which, as per media, has already laid down the lives of ~ one hundred Thousand Jihadis (including from J&K, including POK) for Kashmir] will make political life of Nawaz untenable and if these Jihadis do not do so then the chances of the entry of ISIS / Caliphate will increase exponentially in AF-PAK-Kashmir region.

Therefore it is dishonest on the part of India in general and Venkaiah in particular to blame Pakistan for still relying on Islam, because it is the very basis on which Pakistan came in existence in 1947. If there is one which can be blamed for the apparent success of Islamic ideology being pursued by Pakistan then it is India which has not been true to secularism & socialism and that is the reason, as given below, Hindu majority India has not been able to defeat ‘two nation theory’:-

(1)- To what extent India compromised on Secularism is evident from six writ petitions which, in order to restore secularism in India, I repeatedly ask Muslims / secularists to file in Supreme Court of India about (i)- Legally expected restoration of Status-quo-ante of Babri Masjid which was demolished in 1992 in the presence of Observer of Supreme Court (ii)- Query about retrieve of POK in the interest of removal of AFSPA etc from J&K (unlike Hindu majority Goa the POK has not been retrieved by so-called secular India and even Bangladesh was not assimilated in 1971 despite collapse of two nation theory because both are Muslim majority) (iii)- Prosecution against guilty found by Sri Krishna Commission about 1992-93 communal riots in Mumbai / Maharashtra (while rightly asking for deportation / action against Dawood Ibrahim etc, the guilty of serial blasts which were direct fallout of said riots) (iv)- Identification, tracking and deportation of illegal immigrants, mainly from Bangladesh (v)- Quashing of discriminatory (especially against Muslims) Reservation Policy (vi)- Delhi 1984 & Gujarat 2002 riots about section 130 & 131 Cr.P.C.

(2)- As far socialism which is nothing but joint-capitalism or mixed-economy where State-capital should also have sanctity and should be deployed (like private –capital) profitably especially in the interest of eliminating unemployment. But in India (like in USSR which got dismantled as it too squandered State-capital) most of the Public Undertakings have been allowed to run in loss. The worst part of it is that State-capital (out of Tax) to the tune of ~ $ 15 Trillion is not being recovered by GOI. Hence two writ petitions are needed in Supreme Court about (i)- Constitutional obligation about Public debt under Article 292 & 293 and not under unconstitutional FRBM (ii)- Recovery of Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion tax out of black money (declared illegally as agricultural income to avoid tax) which, if recovered, can solve most of the problems being faced by India especially arising due to economic hardship.

Though given the nature of political party of Venkaiah the BJP, it will be difficult for BJP to change the course in favor of secularism and socialism. But if BJP is really serious about patriotism and national interest what Venkaiah is preaching in said article to rest of India, then it needs to be honest about secularism & socialism.

At the same time GOI need not through-up its hands as has been done in said article of Venkaiah. Instead of knocking at wrong doors the GOI led by BJP should understand that the key to the solution of the problem of Kashmir lies in retrieve of POK. Hence without wasting any time India should talk to Pakistan for retrieve of POK. In case Pakistan refuses to hand over POK on table then India should retrieve POK militarily [without bothering about Nukes of India and Pakistan because in ultimate analysis after-all it is white-man’s burden. Especially after BREXIT where under international pressure (of West, the USA & Europe who are increasingly the victim of terrorist attacks) the ‘Common Wealth’ will be REALIZED sooner than later, in the interest of eliminating ‘global Jihadi terrorism’].


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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