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After losing State elections 2018 Modi can win 2019 Parliamentary election with 5 solutions

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 13 Janvier 2019

Shakopee, MN, USA

Sub:- (i)- Defeat in 5 Assembly elections 2018 have rendered PM Modi / BJP vulnerable (ii)- There is systemic failure in India which needs new institutions and reconfiguration of existing institutions (iii)- Instead of going for beaten-track solutions BJP should go for five effective solutions (a)-Recovery of Rs ~ 1,000 lakh crore income tax from ~ 1 million so-called farmer tax-evaders (b)- Deploying this huge sovereign capital profitably for welfare (c)- Involving socio-religious organizations in health-care and education (d)- Use of Hindi in Hindi & Devnagari-variant States for modern education / fields (e)- Prompt and cheaper justice delivery system

---On December, 11 election results were declared and defeat of PM Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 5 State Assembly elections (in States of Meghalaya, Telangana and in 3 very important Hindi heartland States of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, where BJP and Congress are in direct fight)- is bound to demoralize BJP especially when Parliamentary 2019 elections are round the corner. In such desperation BJP is likely to go for meaningless solutions like giving some inadequate relief to farmers by way of loan waiver and support price to farmers, promoting third front to counter second front led by main opposition party Congress, Ram-Mandir construction etc. But these will not yield much (rather any) result for BJP.

There is not much the Modi government can do to counter rural anger before the 2019 elections with such old measures. It did announce significant, hikes in ‘Minimum Support Prices’ (MSPs), but these have failed to boost farm prices and hence incomes. Other beaten-track measures will also not boost electoral prospects of BJP. Therefore in future if BJP wants to perform well electorally, then it should go for five solutions as given below:-

(1)- Modi government should immediately recover Rs ~ 1,000 Lakh Crore (trillion) of State capital from Income-Tax from about ~ one million tax-evaders (as mentioned at and as discussed in Parliament also in 2016 as mentioned at ) so that the tears from the face of every suffering Indian can be wiped-out by properly & PROFITABLY deploying this huge State / Sovereign-capital. In addition to this this will make India the economic & military world-class super-power.

(2)- BJP should deploy said sovereign-capital of Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion profitably for welfare of the people. Due to economically untenable small land holdings not only there is agricultural-distress in the country where tens of thousands of farmers are committing suicide every year but farm labors are also not getting benefit of labor laws. Hence BJP should immediately start working for large land holdings through co-operative farming and government take-over and should also do the following for ensuring roti (food), kapda (clothes) makan (house) to the economically humble majority of Indians:-

(i)- (In addition to loan waivers of remaining deserving farmers) for opening outlets, godowns, cold-storages, departmental transport etc of Public-Distribution-System all over India which will also provide fair & remunerative prices to farmers.

(ii)- In cloth etc manufacturing factories which will provide basic needs for under-garments, other clothes, bed-sheets, blankets, shoes etc of the people, at moderate price.

(iii)- For making residential and commercial buildings all over India which will be given on rent to be decided by ‘Statutory Rent Commission’ (this will also take care of the problem of increasing mobility of the people in this age of rising service sector).

(3)- Whosoever controls the institutions of health-care and education controls the society. In ‘Rajtantra’ (during rule of Kings and Emperors) health-care and education remains with Raj (State) if in ‘Prajatantra’ (democracy) health-care and education are not directly with the people then democracy has no meaning. Hence:-

(i)- In first stage health-care should be made by BJP for all (whether in organized or un-organized sectors) through modified ESI workable [In the management of modified-ESI in addition to the representatives from government of India (GOI) the representatives of employees and of employers should also be there. Moreover there should be a body (majority nominated by employers with appealing right to statutory tribunal) which will look into the complaints against doctors of this modified- ESI, who recommend unnecessary leaves to so-called sick employees].

(ii)- On the basis of the experience of modified-ESI in second stage the education (at least up to Higher Secondary level) should also be given under direct control of the people.

(iii)- The socio-religious organizations should be involved in health-care and education of the people. The management of these institutions of health-care and education can be given (on contract) by the people to philanthropic institutions (of socio-religious organizations). BJP can ask its associates (like RSS, VHP etc) to take this responsibility. This will go a long way in helping different religions in India (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity etc) in developing modern, people-friendly and progressive out-look.

(4)- No country can progress without working in its mother tongue. Hence BJP while keeping English as second language the Hindi (with Devnagri script) should make working language (including in allopathic medicine, engineering etc) in Hindi speaking and Devnagri variant script States (who comprises overwhelming majority of Indians). Regarding other (non-Hindi & non-Devnagri variant script) States of India it can be left to them to decide this matter.

(5)- If justice is not delivered at moderate cost & promptly by courts then rule of law has no meaning. Hence BJP should immediately start work for ensuring that High Courts under Article 227 of the Constitution check every file which comes to it from subordinate Courts (District and Lower Courts in appeal, revision writ etc) whether presiding officer has granted adjournments unnecessarily with commensurate punishment to erring presiding officers of subordinate Courts. Moreover along with full-fledged legal library government lodging and boarding facilities at nominal charge should be provided at all the seats of appellate Courts (under supervision of Bar Council of States and of India) for advocates coming from lower Courts so that cases in appellate Courts can be contested at much lesser cost.

It is hoped that BJP will convert said electoral jolt into a ‘blessing in disguise’ for itself and for the people of India by carrying-out above mentioned 5 solutions which will make India really great again.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Shakopee - 55379, Minnesota, USA

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