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Bengaluru, India: Underestimating Hindutva forces wouldn't do, Muslim sponsored SDPI will have to win elections in Hindu majority India

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 19 Janvier 2018

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- Heartening to see Indian Muslims coming forward courageously to rule presently politically-mismanaged-India (ii)- Merely underestimating Hindutva forces wouldn't do, Muslim sponsored SDPI will have to win 2018 & 2109 elections in Hindu majority India

---In view of recent Gujarat elections where BJP had tough fight but won the elections, the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) sponsored by prominent Indian Muslims, is living in a make believe world where it is thinking that BJP (part of Hindutva forces) is on decline and SDPI can replace it in States and at Centre in Hindu majority India. No doubt SDPI has potential to do it but by underestimating BJP it can not be done rather SDPI will have to aim and start working to win 2018 & 2019 elections. If following is done then SDPI can easily win election in 2018 in 8 States (Karnataka, Rajasthan, M.P., Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland and Mizoram) and in 2019 Parliamentary election:-

(1)- First and foremost SDPI should be based on secularism, socialism, democracy, federalism, globalization and rule of law. Without democracy in political parties there cannot be true democracy in India. For this all the office bearers of SDPI should be elected by members of SDPI (active members can have 2 or more votes as compared to one vote to ordinary members in organizational elections of SDPI). There should be difference between ‘Padadhikari (other office-bearers) and ‘Kshetradhikari’ (territorial office-bearers) and there should be no ‘Kshetradhikari’ without party office in his relevant territory with flag and banner / board of SDPI. Some minor amendments in SDPI Constitution will also be needed commensurate with main objective of voting rights to SDPI members. Also the membership of SDPI should be finished if any of its member (ordinary or active) does not sign in a register kept at nearest party office once a month and does not pay Rs 5 per month the party contribution. For Federalism all the civil subjects (including natural resources) should be with States and only martial subjects like defense, foreign affairs, currency etc should be with Union of India.

(2)- SDPI should know that BJP has come to power at Centre and in States by destroying secularism and rule-of-law in India. hence in the interest of rule-of-law and especially secularism, SDPI should file following petitions in Supreme Court of India (SCI) about:-

(i)- Legally expected restoration of Status-quo-ante of Babri Masjid which was demolished in 1992 in the presence of Observer of SCI also with a prayer that SCI should direct GOI to be ready to requisition UNPKF in case Hindutva forces create law & order problem all across the country
(ii)- Query about retrieve of Muslim PoK (including militarily if necessary) in the interest of removal of AFSPA, SPA etc from J&K (through writ first in J&K High Court and then in SCI, if needed)
(iii)- Prosecution against guilty found by Sri Krishna Commission about 1992-93 communal riots in Mumbai / Maharashtra (while rightly asking for deportation / action against Dawood Ibrahim etc, the guilty of serial blasts which were direct fallout of said riots)
(iv)- Constitutional obligation regarding public debt under Article 292 & 293 and not under FRBM which is unconstitutionally promoting unethical unbridled usury (interest earning)
(v)- Delhi 1984 & Gujarat 2002 riots regarding responsibility of and punishment to executive magistrates and security & armed forces in stopping riots under sections 129, 130, 131 Cr.P.C.
(vi)- Quashing of discriminatory (especially against Muslims) Reservation Policy which is giving reservation to also those castes of Hindus which once ruled in India. [In ‘Rajtantra’ State run the people where as in ‘Prajatantra’ people run the State hence the moral of the people should be higher than of the State in any democracy. But the people who consider themselves as Dalits backward etc their moral cannot be high. There is nothing wrong in reservation especially to those who otherwise do not get proportional representation in government, but it should not be in the name of demoralizing tag (fatally harmful for democracy) of SC, ST, BC, OBC etc. Rather reservation should be given only in government service on merit (and not in education or elections) to any recognizable human group whichever demands it proportional to its percentage in population]

(3)- Support to Socialism by SDPI will be crucial factor for victory of SDPI in coming 8 States & Parliamentary elections as given below:-

(i)- India is a poor country (not withstanding hollow boasts of GOI about India being world power) where about half of India (mainly small and marginal farmers) is starving (extreme malnutrition) and every 30 minutes a farmer commits suicide in India as mentioned at .

(ii)- In all advanced economies with large land-holdings the percentage of population in farming is between 1.5 to 5 % but in India population dependent on agriculture is much more that is about two third of India [hence effectively addressing the problems of rural sector e.g. agriculture, farmers and farm labors (which will bring succor to urban sector too) will bring victory to SDPI in 2018 & 2019 elections]. Therefore SDPI should encourage cooperative farming (or even purchasing small agricultural lands by GOI from farmers) to facilitate large land-holdings which will also make possible to implement labor laws in agriculture sector and which will effectively ameliorate the condition of farm-labors too (in India mostly people talk about giving relief to farmers but nobody talks about farm-labors who are in similarly worst condition if not more except suicide).

(iii)- Such huge transfer of population from agriculture sector to manufacturing & service sectors is possible only when (as happened in advanced economies) the job opportunities are created in manufacturing & service sectors and that too in a manner that will especially benefit farmers. It will require huge expansion in housing sector so that farmers coming from villages can acquire accommodation (at nominal rent and without threat of vacating the house as long as they are paying rent) in urban and semi urban areas where most of the manufacturing & service sectors are and will be there. Socialism (for the benefit of the masses and not merely for so-called classes as is presently the case in India) means joint capitalism where like private-capital the State-capital will also be deployed PROFITABLY especially for the welfare of the people (In India the ministers of present and earlier governments who can’t run a government-business / factory profitably and always talk about dis-investment how can they aspire and claim to run the country).

(iv)-. Moreover whosoever controls the institutions of health-care and education controls the society. In ‘Rajtantra’ (during rule of Kings and Emperors) health-care and education remains with Raj (State) if in ‘Prajatantra’ (democracy) health-care and education are not directly with the people then democracy has no meaning. Politicians (and even SDPI) should not pamper the people for the sake of votes rather people should be asked to take the responsibility of their health-care and education [especially after retirement people waste their time in meaningless gossips instead they can devote their free time (mostly on charity) for managing and running institutions of health-care and education].

(v)- All these programs of socialism need huge State-capital. But Delhi Police is a thoroughly compromised organization which is not taking action under criminal laws against derelict public servants of IT Department under Section 177, 181, 199, 202, 217, 218 IPC read with Section 271 (1) (C ) 276 (C ) of The Income Tax Act and Section 13 (1) (d) 13 (2) of The Prevention of Corruption Act despite http://www.newsnat ion-disclosure-on-blackmoney- kharabpati-farmers-take-agricu lture-route-t.html and https:/ / India-bound-to-get-Rs--1000- Trillion-income-tax-as-Delhi- Police-steps-in_a31456.html and also mention of this unrealized huge State-capital in recently published book 'Demonetization and the Black Economy' by Professor Arun Kumar and its mention by Debroy, the senior economist of NITI Aayog

(vi)- Hence the SDPI should launch public meetings / demonstrations / protests at States capitals and District headquarters all over India starting from Jantar-Mantar at Delhi because GOI is not recovering said State-capital of Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion through Income Tax (the issue which was raised in Parliament also on May 16, 2016). During said India-wide demonstrations SDPI should ask GOI to clarify that why GOI did not recover black-money of said Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion State-capital from ~ 1 million tax-evaders and instead merely for 3 to 4 Trillion black-money (that too ultimately could not be realized) preferred to harass most of ~ 1.3 Billion people of India through de-monetization (in which majority of population especially the farmers, farm-labors and their children working in cities and even in other States too were the worst sufferers).

(vii)- Moreover SDPI should demand from GOI that this Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion of State-capital should be PROFITABLY deployed in following five areas which will take care of roti (food), kapada (clothes), makan (housing), health-care and education of Indians (in addition to using this State-capital in freeing the farmers from agricultural loans):-
(A)- For opening outlets, godowns, cold-storages etc of Public-Distribution-System all over India which will also provide fair & remunerative prices to farmers
(B)- In cloth etc manufacturing factories which will provide basic needs for under-garments, other clothes, bed-sheets, blankets, shoes etc of the people, at moderate price.
( C)- For making residential and commercial buildings all over India which will be given on rent to be decided by ‘Statutory Rent Commission’
(D)- In making health care for all (whether in organized or un-organized sectors) through modified ESI workable [In the management of modified-ESI in addition to the representatives from government of India (GOI) the representatives of employees and of employers should also be there. Moreover there should be a body (majority nominated by employers with appealing right to statutory tribunal) which will look into the complaints against doctors of this modified- ESI recommending unnecessary leaves to so-called sick employees].
(E)- On the basis of the experience of modified-ESI in second stage the education (at least up to Higher Secondary level) should also be given under direct control of the people.

(4)- Due to unprecedented advance (done mostly by Christian West) of about 500 years in modern science & technology especially in IT sector, the highly desirable Globalization is unavoidable. Whereas in addition to global currency without International-Political-Partie s (IPPs registered at UN) the Globalization is impossible. Hence in the constitution of SDPI the Globalization should also be its objective and for this following should be mentioned:-
(i)- SDPI will work for and demand that in place of veto to 5 nations, in new UN the voting power should be given to all member countries commensurate with their contribution of men (especially martial), money and material (especially military) and the record about human rights of member countries
(ii)- SDPI will work for and demand that Optional protocol OP-1 of ICCPR should be replaced with Mandatory Protocol MP-1 so that even citizens of member countries can move UN to protect their human rights
(iii)- SDPI will work for and demand for global currency (with proper asset back-up with its Central Bank at United Nations and its branches in all the member countries of UN)
(iv)- SDPI as a program (without mentioning as objective in its constitution, will work for peaceful march to solve chronic and gory Israel-Palestine problem (also the cause of global Jihadi terrorism) as mentioned at /King-Salman-of-SaAr-facing- disgrace-humiliation-because- fears-USA-and-not-Allah_ a60145.html -- of ~ 1 million volunteers (Muslims and non-Muslims men and women) from all across the world, which will be the precursor to moderate & secular IPPs

As a registered political party any Indian, believing in policies and ideology of SDPI, will be legally free to join SDPI. Hence in Hindu majority India SDPI will succeed only when it will satisfy the aspirations of majority of Hindus (which will take care of genuine interests of Indian Muslims too) and not by merely breast-beating about injustice being done to Indian Muslims especially by the forces of Hindutva. It is hoped that SDPI, for the betterment of India, will do the above mentioned which is bound to bring SDPI in power in coming 2018 elections in 8 States (Karnataka, Rajasthan, M.P., Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland and Mizoram) and in 2019 Parliamentary election


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru - 560078, India

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