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Chinese police bust information theft gang

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 12 Mars 2017

The Chinese government is now intensifying efforts to protect personal information from perspectives of legislation, law enforcement as well as public awareness improvement. Information protection has been included in the draft general provision of civil law that was submitted for deliberation at the fifth session of the 12th National People’s Congress.

By Huang Fahong from People’s Daily

Chinese police bust information theft gang
Chinese police recently busted a gang suspected of stealing more than 5 billion pieces of personal information, proving to be China’s latest efforts to protect the citizens’ information.

According to the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), the stolen data involves transportation, logistics, medical, social, banking and other information.

The involved suspects stole the personal information including network accounts, passwords, ID numbers, telephone numbers, and home addresses, and then sold them via instant chat tools, online forums and other channels.

The rapid popularization of information and Internet technology in China provides much convenience to the public, yet poses greater challenges to personal information protection.

The information can be leaked to criminals at every chain covering users, service providers or regulators, which may result in heavy loss.

The Chinese government is now intensifying efforts to protect personal information from perspectives of legislation, law enforcement as well as public awareness improvement.

Information protection has been included in the draft general provision of civil law that was submitted for deliberation at the fifth session of the 12th National People’s Congress.

According to the draft, any organization and individual must ensure the security of personal information they obtain based on law, and are never allowed to illegally collect, use, process or transmit personal information. Illegal trade, offer or disclosure of personal information is prohibited as well.

The MPS also launched a series of special campaigns to combat the crime. In 2016, the organ arrested over 4,200 suspects involving in over 1,800 cases.

The China National Internet Information Office also warned the public to ask the network service provider to delete relevant information once they found their information were leaked.

They can also report to regulating departments to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, the authority added.

Cyber security is threatened by risks in global arena as well. After the PRISM scandal, a US surveillance program, was exposed years ago, WikiLeaks, in its recently-posted data, said that the Central Intelligence Agency will break into phones, communication apps and other electronic devices for surveillance purpose.

Such incidents exposed vulnerability of personal information security. Some cross-border telecommunications fraud cases also showed that the fight against cyber information crime requires international cooperation, experts said.

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