Des violents combats contre Boko Haram à Baga, Dikwa et Mongulo, selon l'armée nigeriane

Alwihda Info | Par - 6 Février 2015

L'armée nigériane indique dans un communiqué que les forces armées des trois pays (Tchad/ Nigeria et Niger) ont lancé une grande offensive contre les terroristes de Boko Haram dans trois localités: Baga, Dikwa et Mongulo, dans le nord est du Nigéria, selon l'armée nigériane.
L'offensive a été lancée dans les premières heures de mercredi et les combats continuent jusqu'à vendredi. Toujours selon l'armée, les " insurgés ont subi des lourdes pertes dans leurs rangs".

Fierce fighting is on going between the Nigerian military, the Allied Forces and Boko Haram terrorists in the Mungulo Baga Area of Borno State, north east Nigeria.

Reports say that the militants relaunched attack in Dikwa, Baga and Mungulo in the early hours of Wednesday.

Eyewitness reports says the Allied Forces are repelling the militants, who have suffered very high casualty.

In the last few weeks, the terrorist made efforts to take over the 6th Battalion in the Nigerian Army in Maiduguri twice, but the military repelled both attacks.

While some Nigeria Army officers are being tried by a military court martial for allegedly fleeing while fighting the terrorists in Baga, some have been withdrawn to allow new faces fight the terrorists.

Source; Chanel Televion Nigeria

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