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IMAFT will be game changer for the World. Bound to culminate into Sunni-Caliphate

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 7 Décembre 2016

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- Seems Allah has listened to tens of millions of profusely bleeding and weeping Muslim across the World (ii)- Muslims should be thankful to Prez Obama (for paving way for Sunni-Caliphate) by martial dereliction in NAME region (iii)- In view of Christians, Chinese and Hindus under one military authority it was only matter of time Muslim will also do so (iv)- Former Army Chief Gen. Raheel Sharif of nuclear Pakistan will be crucial for modern version of Sunni-Caliphate (v)- Pakistan has motivation to join IMAFT due to Kashmir factor too (vi)- IMAFT need not commit the foolishness of insisting on removal of Prez Assad before elections in Syria (viii)- Once IMAFT solve Syria, Iraq, Yemen etc problems, no power on earth can stop Sunni-Caliphate (vii)- Remaining Muslim countries will also join such Sunni-Caliphate (viii)- Federalism and one currency will be crucial for the survival of this Sunni-Caliphate (ix)- Sunni-Caliphate may survive even without democracy in view of developing India turning out to be unfit for democracy (x)- Sunni-Caliphate through IMAFT will cause existential problems for Hindu India if Indians do not wake up.

----As per media report Pakistan's former army chief, General Raheel Sharif has agreed to command 39-nation Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT), on certain terms and conditions, including being allowed to arbitrate between belligerents. Though rest of the World (including Shia Iran) has welcomed IMAFT by thinking that it will eliminate global terrorism emanating from blood thirsty Jihadis like ISIS etc but it has much wider and profound implication for the World because it is bound to ultimately usher into Sunni-Caliphate, as mentioned below:-

(1)- World-over tens of millions of Muslims (including in NAME, AF-PAK region and Kashmir valley) have been bleeding and weeping profusely. But now it seems Allah has listened to these Muslims and has sent relief which is bound to provide succor to Muslims in the due course of time through IMAFT. But for this Muslims should be thankful to so-called leader of free World the US President Obama (for paving way for Sunni-Caliphate) by martial dereliction of UN in NAME region where USA committed foolishness of insisting on removal of Prez Assad before elections in Syria (and this demand was also given-up by USA especially after Russia intervened militarily in Syria after 'United Nations General Assembly' session 2015).

(2)- There are four major human blocks in the World namely Christians, Muslims, Chinese and Hindus. The Christian West (through NATO) , Chinese and Hindus have one military power whereas military power of Muslims is divide in many countries with the result nobody listens to the problems of Muslims such as on-going gory problem in NAME region, chronic problem of Palestine, Kashmir etc. Hence it was only matter of time that Muslim will also try for one military power of all Muslim countries (of Sunnis which comprises ~ 85 % of Muslim World)

(3)- Former Army Chief Gen. Raheel Sharif of nuclear and militarily strong Pakistan will be crucial for the success of IMAFT and for modern version of Sunni-Caliphate. Pakistan has motivation to join IMAFT due to Kashmir factor too (against its arch rival / enemy India) because it will take hardly any time for Pakistan to convince IMAFT to consider present situation in Kashmir as a terrorist act of Indian State on Muslim Kashmiris. Especially in view of the fact that Indian State for over a decade has deployed hundreds of thousands of security forces in Kashmir under protection of AFSPA, SPA etc which, as media report, has caused gross human rights violation of Kashmiri Muslims by Indian security forces

(4)- Moreover presently after 5 months of Kashmir shutdown after killing of Hizbul Commander Burhan Wani on July, 8 ~ 100 Kashmiris mostly youth have lost lives ~ 300 eyes of Kashmiri youth injured and ~ 12,000 Kashmiri youth injured by pellet guns. Hence in desperation the disenchanted and disillusioned Kashmiri youth are highly like to invite ISIS in Kashmir as is being said by prominent Kashmiri leaders too. This will give excuse to IMAFT to intervene in Kashmir because elimination of ISIS and elimination of any chance of ISIS getting entry into new regions like Kashmir (and even AF-PAK region through Kashmir) is the main objective of IMAFT

(5)- In order to succeed the IMAFT need not commit the foolishness of insisting on removal of Syrian President Assad before elections in Syria. Once IMAFT solve Syria, Iraq, Yemen etc problems, no power on earth can stop Sunni-Caliphate from becoming a reality and then remaining Muslim countries will also join such Sunni-Caliphate. Genuine federalism [where only martial matters are with center and all civilian matters (including natural resources) are with member States] and one currency for entire Sunni-Caliphate (with proper asset back-up) will be crucial for the survival and success of this Sunni-Caliphate

(6)- Here it is important to understand that this Sunni-Caliphate may survive even without democracy in view of developing India turning out to be unfit for democracy where during ongoing illegal and draconian demonetization innocent 99 % of ~1.3 Billion Indians were harassed and tortured (even ~ 100 people killed) but Indians have not been able to bring constitutional and other authorities (namely President, Prime Minister and his cabinet Supreme Court Judges, RBI officials) to justice despite Article 21, 300 A, 78, 56 (1) (b), 124 (4) of The Constitution and section 26 (2) of RBI Act and section 304 A, 34 and 120 (B) of IPC.

(7)- It does not require a genius of political science to understand that this Sunni-Caliphate through IMAFT will cause (due to unresolved chronic and gory Kashmir dispute) existential problems for Hindu majority India (as mentioned above), if Indians do not wake up and do not launch ‘United India Party’ (as explained at ) and instead continue in their communal politics.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru. India.

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